' Wrote:To my knowledge three kind of Nomad weapons are open to public: Blaster and Cannon sold on Order, Nomad/Wilde bases and lootable (from NPC's) real nom gun.
No. There are 4 types:
The kind that are for sale on Order/Wilde/Nomad bases and lootable. They are the Nomad Energy Blaster (special_nomad_gun01) and Nomad Energy Cannon (special_nomad_gun02). They are of the tech column Nomads - Guns - Shareable with Order and Wilde, which is usable by The Order and Wild at 100% and BHG Core and intelligence factions at 90%.
Then there are the kind that are not currently available as they are NPC weapons (presumably, they do like 5x dps of the above). They are the Nomad Energy Blaster (special_nomad_gun01_wilde) and Nomad Energy Cannon (special_nomad_gun02_wilde). They are not currently set to any tech column.
Then there are nomad puretech weapons. This is all of the nomad gear available on nomad bases like their guns and missiles. They are a part of the Nomads - Guns - Pure tech column, usable by the three nomad IDs and the Wild ID at 100%.
Then there are nomad capital weapons. This is, obviously, all of their capital weaponry. They are a part of the Nomad - Guns - Capital tech column, usable by the three nomad IDs at 100% and the Wild ID at 75% (they really are that OP).