' Wrote:
Out of this chaos on a small number of worlds there evolved the Judges. They were men and women tired of war and devoted to peace. Over the years they gathered in Coronado and built a great station in secret called Tannhauser Gate. People of peace are generally people of science and at their base they developed the following ships:
Judicial Pocket Battleship/Magistrate class (design under development)
Judicial Cruiser/ Litigation class (design under development)
Judicial Gunboat/Conviction class (design under development)
Judicial Bomber/Verdict class (design under development)
Judicial VHF/Bailiff class (design under development)
Judicial HF/Plaintiff class (design under development)
Judicial LF/Felony (design under development)
for use by the Judges in the completion of their mission. The resource rich debris clouds in the Coronado system allowed the construction of these ships
Oh they gonna have their own shipline!!!:ohmy:
Summoning Massdriver in this thread :lol:
But to be serious, where are those ships are supposed to be sold? Especially BS, Cruiser, and Gunboat? Maybe you guys planning to have several bases and shipyards around the Liberty? Ah wait, why do you have to limit yourselves by the Libertonian space only. Declare yourselves sirius-wide faction! And have bases everywhere. You deserve it, i swear!
Do you remember EAR?
That was actually a Xeno faction made by a few people who got fed up with your obnoxious behavior around Newark whenever they tried roleplaying there, to an extent where you started shooting them for no particular reason (or in your eyes, enforcing non existant liberty laws)
Then when you got shot in return, you complained, started reporting people (and wonderously those reports went through seeing as you only sent in specific screenshots making them look like rulebreakers)
I pray for Discovery alone that you will never, ever gain official status. You have nothing to contribute. You're all hostile, griefing players.
Well, I have a split opinion. On one hand, I had quite some nice chatter with the Judges when I'm on my Newark Station char, on the other hand, when I met them on my pirate...
I got attacked by them, even though they use FL IDs, threated me that they will report me for no RP attack (although piracy demands were made), when I killed them, they didn't left the system or even re-engaged sometimes...(Note: This is only about SOME individuals in that group, not going to name anyone here).
As far as I observed that, they Judges are a pretty varied group. There are some real nice people, who are able to roleplay, but there are also some lolwuts in this group.
Also, battleships and stuff? Currently you're around a dozen people, residing on Newark. How could you built your own ships?
I'd also like to see some more forum activity from you guys.
I suggest you should start a faction info page, recruitment and feedback in Other factions and groups and establish some background first, before you try to go official.
Quote:Out of this chaos on a small number of worlds there evolved the Judges. They were men and women tired of war and devoted to peace. Over the years they gathered in Coronado and built a great station in secret called Tannhauser Gate. People of peace are generally people of science and at their base they developed the following ships:
Judicial Pocket Battleship/Magistrate class (design under development)
Judicial Cruiser/ Litigation class (design under development)
Judicial Gunboat/Conviction class (design under development)
Judicial Bomber/Verdict class (design under development)
Judicial VHF/Bailiff class (design under development)
Judicial HF/Plaintiff class (design under development)
Judicial LF/Felony (design under development)
You are already making up your own shipline. I would understand an VHF or HF but, whole shipline with Cruisers and Battleships? Thats bit too much for now you know.
Even, requesting your own shipline-making it out at first, wont work at all.
As you are calling yourselves Judges, I would think that you are part of LIberty government, which would act as government, as judging.
Judicial Mission Statement
Quote:'¢ Judges seek to bring Justice to all the worlds of Sirius through respect for local laws and respect of Sirius cluster long held believes in the ancient laws of man.
'¢ Judges are no societies' enemy. We seek alliances with all factions asking patrol and docking privilege in their space. When in Outcast space we respect Outcast law. When in Corsair space we respect Corsair law. In Liberty space we respect Liberty law. We have no affiliations outside of our treaties of passage. We have no resentment towards anyone.
'¢ Judges are men and women of high honor showing strong moral character and adherence to ethical principles. They can and have been invited to pass Judgment on systems local affairs with the certain knowledge that they will judge on the evidence and merits of the case. They do this only with permission of local authorities.
'¢ Judges show integrity as a concept of consistency of actions, values, methods, measures, principles, expectations, and outcomes. Each is trained and the training never ends to insure the integrity of the Judges.
You are mentioning "When in Outcasts space, we respect Outcast laws".
Now, I am not sure that both sides (Liberty and Outcast) would tolerate that.
You would rather be shot by Maltesians or exiled from Liberty or any other case where is involved unlawful and lawful side.
Also you should dedicate to one side, lawful or unlawful. You can't be on both, it simply wont work- rather do other RP like special operative from LSF or BDM or any other inteligence service, being infiltrated into some unlfawful space/planet/home.
Now also you are mentioning whole Sirius.
I dont know if it is truth that all you are doing is standing on top of Newark - I am not present in Liberty for 1 year or so but all I see is people with "Judge" tag standing only in New York. I've never seen you outta colonies or in any other House Space.
Also, whole Sirius would be bit too much for your ZOI-RP in my opinion.
edit: and what about ID/IFF you are using?
<"From Darkness, lead me to Light. From Ignorance, to Truth. From Death, to Immortality.">
As a minor faction, I would not support your group to get their own capital ship line. We already have too many minor factions who have capitals: Coalition, Hessians, Hellfire Legion... Where are the thousands of workers you'd need to maintain those ships? Where are the billions of funding to design them? It would make a lot more sense for you to piggyback on another faction's tech... but since your group seems to want to form good relations with everybody, it means you'll be allied with nobody (since an alliance with one prohibits friendly relations with their enemies).
Furthermore, the "We respect the rules of whose turf we're on" principle is great in theory, but doesn't work in practise. Example: Tau 31 is claimed by Bretonia, Kusari and Gallia - and the Outcasts and IMG have a stake there as well. Whose law applies?
Following both unlawful and lawful directives doesn't make you a lawful or unlawful entity. You'd end up severely restricted in what you're able to do: An ID that permits you to shoot anyone with the excuse of "it violates someones law" just won't happen.
In a nutshell:
- Drop the caps from the request. From a dev standpoint I'm giving you a very low chance on that coming through. Snubs... if and when you become established, that can be discussed, but frankly I don't see the point.
- Decide wether you're lawful or unlawful, and which faction or factions you're allied with. The current writeup is too ambiguous.
- Siriuswide ZoI is fine, but keep in mind that -no- ID is allowed to play the "sirius police". 's the reason the BHG ID has a few restrictions after all.
Wide awake in a world that sleeps, enduring thoughts, enduring scenes. The knowledge of what is yet to come.
From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
Mostly retired Discovery member. May still visit from time to time.
Lennox ' We have been told point blank by the LN back in January 2012 to NOT interfere with or enforce law in Manhattan space. To the best of our ability we have followed this edict.
SummerMcLovin- A very curious post. I would ask you re-read the original post.
SothaSil, MiloÅ¡ Marjanović, Aeternus Doleo
- While we do try, in fact the Judges faction is a varied one, as is every other faction on the server. There is some variance of personality.
Battleships and gunboats and so on for our small Order, may be easily justified by either history or geography.
'Out of this chaos on a small number of worlds there evolved the Judges. They were men and women tired of war and devoted to peace. Over the years they gathered in Coronado and built a great station in secret called Tannhauser Gate. People of peace are generally people of science and at their base they developed the following ships:'
Albert Einstein came to the United States in 1933 as Hitler assumed power in Germany. He was a man of peace. Enrico Fermi left Italy in 1933 for Canada and then the US. He was a man of peace. The list goes on. These men came together in a country that had exactly 12 functional tanks total at that time. Together and with the help of many others, they built the atomic bomb and vaulted the US into the position of super power, where it has remained ever since. The point is, a few people in an agricultural third rate power, had a tremendous influence.
Can a handful of people tired of war create something miraculous in the name of peace? It has already been done.
We requested a wide variance of ships because I do anticipate their need in the furtherance of peace. Oddly, there are people of ill will and nefarious intent on our server who will take any opportunity to inflict pain and loss on another. No where I have seen, ever, has any group had the intent and mission of trying to bring peace to the dozens of warring factions of Discovery. Any such attempt, will have need of cap ships at some point.
Let me add this now then. It took me 10 mins of crashing into one of your judge people for them to finally find out what was going on only to find himself 2k out of newark. Did that person take a newspaper to that bathroom break?
' Wrote:As much as I hate having to agree with Tobi, I agree with everything he said. Get off Newark and get out there ingame doing stuff. Seriously, I should charge you for parking
Only ever seen you either at Newark parked or flying off as a group to somewhere I have no idea where. It does seem very questionable from the OP and I'm not going to point out things that already have been.
If you start getting capitals expect your relations with various people to start to decline. And don't expect to be able to bring these ships to Liberty because the LN will more than likely ask you to leave, or gun you down depending on how you respond to it. If you expect to be sitting outside Newark in them you'll be on the recieveing end of the same LN cap spam that kills OC lolwuts on a daily basis.