Another interesting video, it shows how slow the speed of sound compared to such scales actually is. The meteorite is visible at about 4:35, the shockwave only arrives at 7:00.
I'm reminded once again of the training I had while in the military.
When you see Mr. Brilliant light flash in the sky, you don't stand there and go, ohh, what was that? You turn around as quickly as you can (typically by diving to the ground), with your feet pointed towards the bright light, cover the back of your head with your arms, and start counting the seconds from flash to bang time.
Granted, the last video of 2 1/2 minutes means that the impact or explosion is a LONG way away, but still ...
(11-21-2013, 12:53 PM)Jihadjoe Wrote: Oh god... The end of days... Agmen agreed with me.