PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
[3/18/2013 8:20:29 PM] Matt (Cannon): The whole server's lagging out at th moment, btw. Not ddos, just normal lag out
[3/18/2013 8:21:34 PM] Matt (Cannon): Well, you have the worst loss on the server.
[3/18/2013 8:21:38 PM] Matt (Cannon): That's something cool.
[3/18/2013 8:22:01 PM] Dan - Zhe Boss: Can i get a medal?
[3/18/2013 8:22:04 PM] Dan - Zhe Boss: or a cookie at least?
[3/18/2013 8:22:10 PM] Matt (Cannon): "Achievement Granted"
[3/18/2013 8:22:18 PM] Dan - Zhe Boss: Dan - Zhe Boss sees achivement box above his head
[3/18/2013 8:22:21 PM] Dan - Zhe Boss: (happy)
[3/18/2013 8:22:30 PM] Dan - Zhe Boss: M'kay