==================== Type: Systems? Bug: Incorrect Crayter Republic ID rephacks ====================
According to this, Crayter Republic ID is not supposed to have rephacks with Red Hessians or Coalition. Both are rephacked to hostile on NO-Pushing.Onwards, despite several bribes attempting to sort it out. Coalition Military is also locked at -0.3, which I believe corresponds to the former Reapers of Sirius rephack.
==================== Type: Ship Stats Bug: Bullhead has only two Prims firing backwards. ====================
PS: Can you please stop changing it with every next mod release? I've spent upwards of 300 millions just on replacement weapons in the last few months. Pretty please? When I see my launcher downloading an update, I rush to my bullheads to rebuy missing weapons. Usually the expensive ones.
(04-25-2018, 05:29 PM)Implosion Wrote: ==================== Type: Ship Stats Bug: Bullhead has only two Prims firing backwards. ====================
PS: Can you please stop changing it with every next mod release? I've spent upwards of 300 millions just on replacement weapons in the last few months. Pretty please? When I see my launcher downloading an update, I rush to my bullheads to rebuy missing weapons. Usually the expensive ones.
Not a bug. Light Battlecruisers firing 2 primary to backward. Argus,Bullhead and Obstinates.
(04-25-2018, 05:29 PM)Implosion Wrote: ==================== Type: Ship Stats Bug: Bullhead has only two Prims firing backwards. ====================
PS: Can you please stop changing it with every next mod release? I've spent upwards of 300 millions just on replacement weapons in the last few months. Pretty please? When I see my launcher downloading an update, I rush to my bullheads to rebuy missing weapons. Usually the expensive ones.
Not a bug. Light Battlecruisers firing 2 primary to backward. Argus,Bullhead and Obstinates.
(04-26-2018, 07:20 AM)JorgeRyan Wrote: ==================== Type: Systems Bug: Cario Station sells transports, but not transport turrets ====================
A little bit sucky for setting up new ships. Only Thebes and Dabadoru sell them, it seems
Until it is fixed, you can simply /conn and buy every single turret in the game there.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502