20:18:56 Seanaidh : Need moar people
20:19:35 Bloodl1ke ::D
20:19:37 Bloodl1ke : that was fun
20:26:18 Seanaidh : Ye
20:26:23 Seanaidh : That was great
[4:06:46 AM] Kai Siegfried: =_= I hate you tesh
[4:06:48 AM] Kai Siegfried: I really do
[4:07:01 AM] Kai Siegfried: Not only do you tranny gank my gunboat, you put it in dresden.
=__= wait
[4:09:30 AM] Kai Siegfried: are you telling me that there's an entire thread for this inane crap?
[4:10:47 AM] Kai Siegfried: >: o libertonian corporate president found dead in a New New Jersey truck stop bathroom.
[18:09:04] Johnny (Jam) is terribly bored.
[18:09:05] Eagle (Junes): Eagle (Junes) ain't.
[18:09:16] Eagle (Junes): Eagle (Junes) says: maybe later.
[18:09:37] Johnny (Jam): Johnny (Jam) is going to make his grenade explode
[10:16:18 PM] Nick: Don't worry clack, I got a solid 34 ejacs in before I got back in TS
[10:16:32 PM] Nick: I feel like a manitee hit by a cruise ship
Discordianism: the Schroedinger's Cat of religions.