:: Incoming transmission :: Source - [color=#FF0000]err: timeout :: ID - Thomas Storm ::
My name is Thomas Storm. I'm quite new in the world of bounty hunting, but I would like to register with the Bretonia Bounty Board as a chance to prove myself. I included the required paperwork.
:: Attachments downloading ::
I'm looking forward to working in Bretonia.
Storm out.
Comm Channel: Open
From: Office of Crown Contracts, Cdre. Jack Frost
To: Zack Myers, Thomas Storm
Re: Bounty Board Application
Thankyou for your applications and i am pleased to tell you that you have both been succesfull.
Names are added to the list.
Mr Thomas Storm, could you please pm me on private comms with the account name that i shall send payments to, many thanks.
This is Enforcer Jack Payton of the Emergency Defense Group Enterprise, small independent branch of Bounty Hunters Guild. We operate mainly in Taus. However, in order to gather intelligence data and secure our contracts we often patrol corridor between Taus and Cortez, as well as occasionally venture into Bretonia space. Therefore we would like to register some of our ships in order to legitimize our operations within your space and zone of influence. I am sending required informations now.
Pilot full name: Enforcer Jack Payton Call-signs: EDGE|Moloch, EDGE|Assur, EDGE|Mot
Pilot full name: Executor Walter Sobchack Call-signs: EDGE|Raiden, EDGE|Thor, EDGE|Perun
As you probably noticed I have not provided you with extensive information for each and every ship. We really have nothing to hide. But, as you can imagine, this would require enormous amounts of paperwork to be done, especially when you consider that we are still recruiting new employees and many of our ships are still under construction. In order to simplify our future cooperation we would like to negotiate registration of whole EDGE as a legitimate contractor in Bretonia. We have already assisted Bretonia Armed Forces in several operations against so called Indians in Dublin and Chester systems. We have also occasionally lend a hand in pursuit of some Molly criminals across Leeds and Cambridge. More information about our Enterprise can be found under following navlink. Our constantly updated ship database can be found under following navlink.
We hope for a quick answer and registration so we can focus on hunting criminals within Bretonia.
This character is retired. Associated forum account is disabled.
Hello again, I already decided to apply for this bounty board, though I wanted to do some 'hardware upgrade' first, you know. So, I'm still willing to defend my House as a mercenary, since I also have some business with the Republic around Taus.