[10:31:09] Harrison Irwin (Irwin the Boognish): HOLY ****
[10:31:12] Harrison Irwin (Irwin the Boognish): WOAH
[10:31:13] Harrison Irwin (Irwin the Boognish): BIG
[10:31:26] Harrison Irwin (Irwin the Boognish): That is
[10:31:27] Harrison Irwin (Irwin the Boognish): almost as big
[10:31:32] Harrison Irwin (Irwin the Boognish): as my entire HD
[12:07:13] Zahas/Seeker: you know
[12:07:25] Zahas/Seeker: when people are on emergency
[12:07:58] Zahas/Seeker: Dashiell grabs his LSC
Joe Grabs his Maryland
X grabs his gb
Zahas: fine, i'm grabing my dick