Comm ID: Admiral Christopher Phelps Subject:Roster Rework
Due to the shake ups in the higher ranks promotions and roster reworking has been seen as necessary the most notable of these are as follows:
Daniel Hale - Ensign to Lieutenant
CJ Edwardds - Recruit to Sub Lieutenant
Matt Pregur - Recruit to Sub Lieutenant
Mike Ypsilanti - Ensign to Sub Lieutenant
Christina Robinson - Captain to Commodore (Captain)
Stephanie Malaign - Commander to Captain
Curtis Elwood - Ensign to Lieutenant Commander
Simon Marshall will be updating the roster soon to make things official. That's all for now.
Comm ID: Lt. Commander Shad winston
TO: LN high command
***United Sirius Manhattan Hospital****
Subject: injury report and Report of situation
personnal report 04
opening file
They attacked silently. Today a group of at least a dozen hostiles, a joint Fleet of outcast, Rogues and hackers invaded manhattan. I was the first one to see.... They all came without warning. at the time I was on patrol, the only unit in manhattan, when i saw the situation and called for backup...then all Hell broke loose. I dont have onboard Pictures of the battle due to the destruction of my ship. We lost Many good men... i could hear the screams and agony of the Dying, The voices of pod escapees. I hung in there for a while, i couldnt really focus around ,just on one rogue. After for what seems like hours a rogue named morae jammed my life support and all my systems went offline, I made the last ditch effort to land on planet manhattan. i made it technically... When my ship was falling in the atmosphere i ejected and my pod made it barely. emergency ground teams found me and i was sent to this hospital, I dont know much but all i know is that we have men up there fighting, We put up a good defense, took out many hostiles, i hope that our boys can finish the job. I am sure Mr Phelps can make out the full report since he was the CO at the time, That is all i can remember before everything turned black.
My recovery is going fast, I cannot wait to get up in space again And defend this nation of scum that threaten our people, For now i am out...
Comlink online... [Transmission has been delayed by approximately 10 hours.]
This is Willows reporting to High Command.
I have now returned from the "exclusive" assignment given to me by Admiral Phelps.
As ordered, I went to outfit the ships supplied to me yesterday evening, a Ravenclaw, a Guardian and an Avenger.
Since the ships were waiting in Fort Bragg on Planet Manhattan, I decided to take a closer look at the old Southern Alliance storage facilities located there, thinking I might find some useful equipment.
To my surprise there were three old (and rather shabby looking) Armored Transports with Southern Alliance markings left standing in a far away hangar.
Thankfully I had ample time left to check them out even further, and I found all three to be in operational condition, so I made sure that they get all repaired and upgraded to current standards.
To prevent wasting any unneccessary resources, I suggest that until we get the new storage and supply vessels delivered from Norfolk we use those three transports to store and deliver any valuable equipment.
Also, as if three fully functional ships wasn't enough already, the first of the three transports had a cache of weapons still inside it's cargo hold.
Closer inspection revealed that the weapons still left were eight PB91 "Buckshot" Bounty Hunter Particle Blasters.
I have made sure that these get dusted off and well maintained in case it would be decided to distribute them to our Pilots.
As of now the TAZ are no longer welcome in Liberty. If sighted they are to be escorted out, and if they utter one word in resistance do not hesitate to take them down. This is the second time they've hopped to the other side of the law in Liberty, it's time they learn neutrality isn't free.
Recently a liner lead me on a chase through New York loaded to the brim with cardimine
As you can see he was destroyed after a very long chase. Thusly until they've paid for their crimes they are no longer welcome to tread on our beloved home. Moving on... the spare guns found by Commodore Willows in the vaults will be awarded to the four pilots who seem most deserving.
Lastly, for all mercenaries. Due to repeated attacks on the Liberty Navy, another ban will take place in approximately three days, excluding the Jupiter's Guild. If you wish to remain in Liberty, contact me ASAP for contracts, otherwise you'll be escorted out.
That's it for now folks, Admiral Phelps terminating transmissions
Joe sits in his quarters and and looks at the poster on the wall.
It says:
Join the Liberty Navy today and help secure Liberty.
After recent events makes me thinking, what security?
3 days ago the hidalgo was trapped by a pirate ambush of 3 gunboats in front of manhattan.
The Hidalgo sended out a mayday but the only message she got was:
This is the Manhattan orbital control currently there is are no reinforcment availible for you Hidalgo, youre on youre own out there.
Were are the battlegroups too prevent the pirategunboats too get close too manhattan? thinks joe. Many times we fly against a pirateGunboat with 1 or 2 fighters and have too flee or land in a escape pod.
Joe shakes his head perhaps its time I send highcommand my request, he looks down on his desk and starts typing on his notepad.
[[To: Liberty Navy High command.]]
[[from Joe Mctyre.]]
[[Subject: special request]]
I'am now quitte a time in the navy and it suits me better and better.
Recently I heared I got to be promoted too lieutanant from [LN]Milrick
This makes me thinking I only need one promotion too command a Gunboat
Dont get me wrong iam a fighterjocky and love too fly my guardian, but sometimes you need a bigger fist too secure oure beloved home.
I think a gunboat can do that!.
When I recently walked on the naval base of planet Houston I see a lot of Gunboats on the ground.
In the wide desert behind the base there are standing dozens of Gunboats.
Some are in a pretty good shape others are nothing more than scrapemetal.
I thought I seen some junkers run away from there with a ship full of salvage and security did nothing.
Its a shame and it hurts too see this happen as a naval officer.
So I thoughtof this:
I could try too get 1 of those ships off the ground and fly it in name of the navy.
I have already seen a ship who is in pretty good shape too fly.
Unfortunally she is stripped of all her weapons and equipment.
I hope you give me permission to get that ship and fly it for the honor of the navy.
Here are the story of the ship.
Built in the year 802 as. at Norfolkshipyard.
The ship was given the name Gettysburg, this to honor her predecessor who was lost in the nomadwar of 800 as. with her entire crew while defending a civilian convoy.
The crew of the former Gettysburg also a Gunboat, placed there ship between a nomadbattleship and a civilian refugeetransporter.
The transporter could escape but the gettysburg was lost.
2 years after the destruction a new gunboat was build and called LNS-Gettysburg
The main tasks of the Gettysburg will be:
# Serving the Liberty Navy
# Protecting liberty from invading enemys (order, nomads etc.)
# Ensuring save passage trough libertys Tradelanes.
# Counter pirate attacks on libertys civilians, Traders and lawful forces.
# Serve in the blockade in texas.
On this moment the LNS Gettysburg is on the ground on planet houston.
Only some small engines ar online and a watchcrew is aboard.
Aboard are some old guns who perhaps can be used for operations.
Iff you give me the ok too fly it i will tranfer last payments and the ship will fly too Norfolk for repairs and upgrades.
Iff not the ship will be sold.
Comm ID: Commander James Farley
To: Liberty Naval Forces
I apologize for my unexpected leave. Things have been busy in the office (you all know how things can get when you're called back to HQ) and I've found little reprieve of my duties. However, I've been given some time to rejoin my squadrons in the field, and am happy to say that I had a successful patrol today for the first time in a long time.
It was good to see some old, and new, faces. I hope to spend some more time flying in the near future, and to work with you all as I did today.
Well done Lieutenant, after much consideration, I am going to grant your request, outfit the ship, repair her, but it would have to be out of your own funds, the Liberty Navy's money is currently tied down replacing and repairing ships that have been damaged in conflicts with the Xenos, Rogues and the Hellfire Legion.
[Incoming Transmission]
[Comm ID: Fleet Admiral Richard Woolsey]
[To: Sarah Willows]
[Begin Message]
please explain to me who authorised you for possession of a Raven's Talon, IMG fighter and a lopadout utilising Codename weapons? This is not navy approved equipment, in fact you'd have to leave Liberty to buy it. Please do come up with some answers fast.
Incoming Transmission]
[Comm ID: Commodore Sarah Willows]
[To: Fleet Admiral Richard Woolsey]
[Begin Message]
Fleet Admiral Woolsey,
I had been authorized by Admiral Phelps to procure an IR-7 "Raven's Talon" type Very Heavy Fighter in my free time, using my personal funds, with the help of my former Corporate colleagues for my private use.
Establishing datalink to Liberty Navy High Command...
Datalink online...
Transmitting report...
[View report?][File report?] [Delete report?]
The following is classified under security level Rho.
Subject: Operation Dinner Out
This is Commodore Willows to Liberty Navy High Command.
I'm sure you are all aware of the assignment I've been sent off to during the last weeks, so I'll be brief.
The technology exchange deal with Queen Carina's Royal Fleet is now done, and I've already made preparations for everything to go smooth.
In exchange for:
one BDR-804 "Guardian" Very Heavy Fighter, one BDR-845 "Avenger" Very Heavy Fighter and one XV-736 "Ravenclaw" Assault Fighter
and of course all necessary instruction and handling manuals and all the necessary spare parts to keep those ships operational,
we will recieve one hundred and twenty (120) 4-11b "Advanced Splitter" Tachyon Cannons.
I'm aware that several officers did, and maybe still do, not think highly of this deal,
however we all came to the agreement that it would be the right thing to do in the past.
The ships will be transported safely to a yet undisclosed location within the New London system under my personal supervision.
I'd like to keep as few people as necessary informed of the transfer,
to prevent the unneccessary raising of eyebrows that would undoubtedly happen would some elements take notice of it.
Needless to mention I don't want any information to leak out to the criminal elements of Liberty either.
Hell would break loose if Military hardware fell into the wrong hands.
Once the first part of the operation is done, there will be another flight scheduled to acquire the Bretonian weaponry.