[[Incomming transmission]]
[[to: Naval highcommand.]]
[[From LT Joe Mctyre]]
Goodday sirs.
we had a nice patrol today.
several pirates came in NY today.
Also we had some fighting in colorado.
first of all a smuggler who escaped me:
This pilot came too Manhattan and delivered artifacts.
After that he ran into the badlands with this load.
He could not be stopped with TrainCD he avoid 8 of them.
after that i went with off Mactavish into texas too patrol there.
After 5 min we got a mayday from one of the new recruits he had trouble with a XA in Colorado.
The naval pliots were:
Alex Jackson.
Mickael Artman.
they were assistet by Agnus.dei|Jericho.
First mickael was shot down i dont know what happend too him i heared 2 search and rescue ships are still searching.
When we arrived the other two were still fighting.
Ryan and i engaged the xeno.
Than the xeno placed a hit on alex i saw him bail but didnt had time too tractor him, later i got word that alex made it too manhattan.
After a few min of fighting a other xeno appeared and i was lucky too take him out:
After another 5 min jericho place a shot on his engines and the xeno went up in dust.
I must admit those xeno boys know what it is too fly a fighter they had excellent skills, but they were shot down at the end.
Well there was some combat in NY but that was soon over and my patrol had ended by than.
so i docked on BS Missouri
***Incomming transmission***
***Source ID: Lt. Cmdr. Ryan MacTavish***
***Target ID: Liberty Navy High Command***
Salutations to the Command,
A couple of days ago, I received a distress call from an Universal freighter that was under attack by a rogue fighter, on the tradelane between West Point and Norfolk. I moved swiftly and intercepted the pirate. After a few minutes of dog-fighting, the rogue disengaged and headed for the badlands. I didn't want to lose him, so I followed him deep into the nebula. After a few minutes of flying into the field, my scanners lost him. I've set course back to Norfolk, however, on my back, the scanners picked up something. I thought it was that rogue again, so I tried to trace it. After another few minutes of searching, I got the signal powerful enough to locate the source. It wasn't any rogue... it was the Navy Cruiser Montana, that was declared MiA a couple of weeks ago, and the signal was actually an S.O.S message.
The ship was severely damaged, its engines were completely destroyed and many sections in the hull were breached and still smoking. I've tried to contact anyone on-board... after a few minutes, an engineer answered. He told me that the ship's radars and long range communication systems were destroyed, along with the bridge of the vessel, killing the captain and much of the crew. The remaining survivors were severely injured and needed urgent medical assistance. I've immediately contacted Norfolk, and a couple of rescue ships were dispatched, taking the wounded to medical.
I went back to Norfolk and had a conversation with Vice Admiral Malaign. I didn't want to leave that cruiser behind, even in it's current condition, I thought that it can be reconditioned and put back into service. But the problem was that most of the crew was gone, including its captain. So, Malaign suggested that if I really want this vessel back, then I should work on it and gather a crew that could do the necessary repairs and operate it, and after that I would be able to command it, on my own! I couldn't believe what I was hearing, me ... commanding a navy cruiser? That's an opportunity few people get in a lifetime, so I accepted it without any questions. Four heavy lifters towed the vessel to the shipyard, where repairs began shortly.
Currently, the ship is undergoing some final repairs and tests, and will be fully operational in a few days.
Also, the crew roster is almost completed, and will be submitted as soon as the vessel is operational.
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================incomming transmission========
To:Liberty military command
from: California minor L-9 Army base Capt Patterson Liberty 106th<Retired>
gentleman ladies and all it may concern i send this transmission *he appered in full dress a rare occurence* with sadness yet i also pose a request firstly i am hereby resigning from the liberty military ive allready started my networkacess blocks im on a 24 hour grace given to me by the 106th commander Gen ladrey as gen kaitlynn has resigned,so have i my service with you all has been honorable and i hope i leave on good standing now on to my request, with the new ships comming off the line and the retirement and subsaquent phase out of the montana hull class gunboat i have a rare request i would like to purchase my old command the LNS niagara Falls for my personal use shes an honored ship and to se her scraped just dosent seem right im willing to pay whatevers needed ive allready put 29 million of my own funds into her to ease buidget constraints ill rename her and conform her to civilian standards or whatever needs be done inturn il lhave the if you wish the LNS Louisbourg fortress Returned to the Naval fleets my battlecruiser some of the crew that resigned recently offered to stay aboard and help me maintain her and ive aranged if it goes through for a slip at baltimore yards for her i hope this request is granted because in truth while i may not have the heart to wear the uniform anymiore id be lieing if i said anything than the facts and the facts are that ship is as much a part of me as i am her the Montana class "gunboat leaders" are highly distunguished theres enough of em in mothball so one ship shouldent hurt the fleet to much please consider my request and again thank you all for what youve done
Capt Jimmy Patterson Liberty 106th Army Battlegroup (retired)signing off
[[Subject privat messages]]
[[from: LT Joe Mctyre]]
[[To: Vice Admiral Stephanie Malaign]]
Hello ma'am.
I flew with you several months now.
I must say you do a great job.
You are one of the admirals that make there hands dirty and actual jump in there fighter and lead the troops in the frontlines.
And i think thats a good sign from a admiral.
I wish you a happy holiday and please visit the roasthouse they serve the best steak i ever had in sirius.
[[Capt Patterson Liberty 106th]]
You saved my ass a couple of times perhaps you dont remember it, i thank you for that.
I wish you well in youre retirment sir.
My salute's.
===================incomming Transmission=======
from: L-9 Army base,Cali minor
from capt Patterson(retired)
to:Vice Admiral Stephanie Malaign Lt Mctyre Seth Carlo and admrial Chris Phelps
<message starts it shows jim in nova spec light tactical armor his old army armor>
my friends,i remember you all when you when i first enlisted in the forces you allways had my back(steph and chris,Seth) when you joined joe i saw a lot of potentnal in you your a helluva fighter pilot wil lmake a good capitol weight commander someday trust me when i say thiskeep listing to your instincts and youll do fine joe use your training couple it with your raw gut instinct belive me it helps, and seth youve done hell and high water for me and the 'Falls and even the louisbourg your serveing the San Fran mighty fine shes a honored respectable ship for an honored and respectable man your gonna go far
Steph,steph steph where do i start with you youve done wounders for the navy and the military as a whole christopher was right giveing you those stars i know your higher than me but trust me when i say it keep doing what your doing dont let the stress get to you hell go to the fireing range if you must or when im in liberty grab a few brews with me youve gone so far in a short time chris same for you the beers are open for all of ya i love you guys like family the hell ive been in youve cleaned up or grabed me or offered guidence i hate leaveing but if you knew my past you know i cant stay here as it hurts to much..my transports ready and im holding up shipping im a civilian now gonna be hell to get used to i cleared it with army HQ if yopul llet me ill gladly merc out for a bit or mabye be a bounty hunter take your time and be safe you guys ill see you in space god speed
*with a firm salute he sighed as the comms pannel went black he was granted acess by the army to the comms tho he probly wouldent use these frequencys much anymore*
PS. joe as much as ive saved your ass youve saved mine and my crews we owe eachother a 6-pack or so gimme a holler when your free take care man
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[font=Lucida Sans Unicode][color=#3333FF]...No Further Content Recieved...
...Automated Report...
[font=Fixedsys]Subject: "LPI-Jacob.Hasting" possible defection from LPI to 522nd Battle Group.
Updated Identification: "[522]Libertine".
Subject's vessel information: "Liberator" Light Fighter abandoned for "Liberty Gunboat".
Aforementioned Gunboat scheduled to be recieved by Naval personel on Houston.
Automated request to interrogate ship dealer "Marcus T. Frask" for allowment of Gunboat interception.
Pilot Jacob Hasting percieved to be verified Libertonian defector.
Automated Suggested Response: Kill on site.
No further information.
[font=Lucida Sans Unicode][color=#3333FF]...Final Transmission Recieved...
...Additional Transmission Found in Related Searches...