Following members of the Rote Hessen Armee have performed outstandingly in the past and have claimed their right to climb higher through our ranks. Promotions will be as following:
Oberleutnant Tino Kaiser, in recognition of your outstanding service and loyalty to the Red Hessian Army the Oberkommando grants you the rank of Hauptmann, welcome to the mid-command Herr Kaiser, make us proud!
Leutnant Lea Schiller despite your short service you have already made a reputation among your fellow Hessians as an outstanding gunship commander. With your recent performance, you have demonstrated that your abilities in heated combat situations once more. The Oberkommando grants you the rank of Oberleutnant! Make us proud!
Flieger Ulrich Beck, you are our newest recruit and already are pushing the limits of your assignments. The Oberkommando grants you the rank of Gefreiter! Congratulations!
Those who are willing to prove themselves even further may request the transfer into the S.O.A. Keep up your high standards!
Following members of the Rote Hessen Armee have performed outstandingly in the past and have claimed their right to climb higher through our ranks. Promotions will be as following:
Hauptmann Tino Kaiser, in recognition of your outstanding service and loyalty to the Red Hessian Army the Oberkommando grants you the rank of Major, welcome to the Oberkommando Herr Kaiser, make us proud!