Name: red_one
Location (ingame): California. (No idea why I said Texas at first, apologies.)
Time (GMT): 22:30 I'd say maybe?
Date: Today. (04/03/2013
Reason: Huge lagspike followed by connection loss, as you can see in the attached pic I think Will.skynet was attempting to pirate me while I was 39k away from him and in the process of entering a trade lane. Oddly enough, I did take some damage while in said trade lane which was a bit strange. Bonus screenshot action!
(for clarity, Will is 39k BEHIND me while my waypoint is in front.)
Disconnected from server, today ( 5/3/13 ) a few minuts ago, in front of battleship essex, while talking to our good old friend freemin the gold tooth.
Name: CR|-Sage[17th]
Location: Tau-23, somewhere between Java and Niobium fields
Time: ~20mins ago
Reason: Was too laggy even to say I was headed off, DCed somewhere on my way to base. Apologies to those in the fight I left.
Name: [IMG]QuinnZai
Location: Tau-37
Time: As this message is sent
Issue: A storm just recently appeared, I was trying to RP with some XTF Outcasts when my lag became so bad, that even after 15 min of sitting, waiting for a /ping response, I still didnt get it. Really Sorry about this.
Name: BAF|Lt.Jon.Cox
Location (ingame): New London
Time (GMT): Now
Date: Today (07/03/13)
Reason: Twice, first Internet Spasm once again, and then FL crashed. >.> really need to get that fixed.
“This font is good people said, this font is awesome others said, I say it works well enough to waste 2 seconds of your life reading this.”