[11:58:59 μμ] Luis (Cocaine Snorting Warmonger): ye and if he lies, it goes deeper
[11:59:01 μμ] Luis (Cocaine Snorting Warmonger): and deeper
[11:59:09 μμ] Luis (Cocaine Snorting Warmonger): pls
[06.06.2012 19:11:43] [TAZ]Schrodinger's.Cat: can you align me or want me to align over you?
[06.06.2012 19:11:56] [TAZ]Schrodinger's.Cat: goddess that sounded kinky
[06.06.2012 19:11:59] [TAZ]Fifth.of.Discord: just stay there and I'll swing around
[06.06.2012 19:12:06] [TAZ]Schrodinger's.Cat: Jumping is a lot of fun XD
[06.06.2012 19:12:40] [TAZ]Schrodinger's.Cat: I'll now jettison, be prepared XD
[06.06.2012 19:12:53] [TAZ]Fifth.of.Discord: wait until I get in pos
[06.06.2012 19:12:59] [TAZ]Fifth.of.Discord: I like to be on top
[06.06.2012 19:13:04] [TAZ]Schrodinger's.Cat: Jettison you too as you come closer
[06.06.2012 19:13:19] [TAZ]Schrodinger's.Cat: No room on top we got the little one XD
[06.06.2012 19:14:41] [TAZ]Fifth.of.Discord: crap
[06.06.2012 19:14:44] [TAZ]Fifth.of.Discord: it won't stop moving
[06.06.2012 19:16:17] [TAZ]Fifth.of.Discord: no wonder
[06.06.2012 19:17:10] [TAZ]Fifth.of.Discord: I *think* I'm stopped
[06.06.2012 19:17:48] [TAZ]Schrodinger's.Cat: nose down a bit
[06.06.2012 19:17:50] [TAZ]Fifth.of.Discord: keep the cash I put on this for all the trouble
[06.06.2012 19:18:03] [TAZ]Schrodinger's.Cat: sure thing, thanks
[06.06.2012 19:18:04] [TAZ]Fifth.of.Discord: that enough?
[06.06.2012 19:18:14] [TAZ]Fifth.of.Discord: of nose down I mean
[06.06.2012 19:18:14] [TAZ]Schrodinger's.Cat: yea of course jen
[06.06.2012 19:18:20] [TAZ]Schrodinger's.Cat: oh ye
[06.06.2012 19:18:39] [TAZ]Fifth.of.Discord: Careful Z, you might take a trip you're not expecting
[06.06.2012 19:18:49] RNC-Graf.Spee: //Leo here... need any help?
[06.06.2012 19:18:58] [TAZ]Schrodinger's.Cat: Hela: Please stand back
[06.06.2012 19:19:02] Zoner.01: ughh... them me better go back to those drinks... ehmm
[06.06.2012 19:19:17] Zoner.01: take care fellows