ah the incident with the one pirate was in omega 7, i had just filled my ship with aluminum from Munich when i was stopped at a tradelane. he demanded i give him 10mill credits for my cargo. it seemed a bit steep so i tried to bargain. luckily i had a gaian parrot onboard. i asked the parrot a few questions about the pirate and the parrot responded with some witty banter. after a few minutes the pirate was so impressed with the parrot, he wanted it for himself. so we negotiated the parrot and 5 mill. It turned out a lot better than expected
Name: Thomas Neumann
Age: 26 Short bio: No very impressive bio, I just have born on Planet Nuremberg, I passed my exam on school and become a miner like my father. Now I want to join the higer ranks like a Miner in your department. Why do you want to work for Daumann? You always need employees who work for you. Why do you think Daumann should hire you? I'm very active and you would benefit from my work. //Maybe from ca. 16:00 UTC to 21:00 UTC
Notes: 1- Applicants with genetic modifications (read animal ears, tails, fur, three or more breasts, or any other sort of abomination will be rejected). //have none, just a normal human 2- Applicans must have a S.K.Y.P.E account. //read my profile
Source: < Hanna Richter >
hrichter@dhc.rh | support@dhc.rh
DHC Global Secretary
Signal Strength: Very High
Encryption: AgeiraSec3
Subject: Re: Application
Thomas Neumann
Your application has been denied. You may wish to contact us over private comms as to reasons of this decision.
Name: Klaas Holmström Age: 31 Short bio: A native of planet New Berlin, I have spent most of my career as an independent contractor working as a project manager/lead engineer for small surveying and mining companies both planet side and also on stations near asteroid fields, extracting and performing quality control on raw material. With a degree in MatWerk, technical training and more than a few years of experience in the field I am looking to take my career to the next level. Why do you want to work for Daumann? I have been working as an independent contractor with Daumann and other firms, but I believe Daumann is the correct choice for me looking to make the transition from a contractor to a full time employee. Why do you think Daumann should hire you? I think I have the necessary qualifications to succeed and excel as an employee in the field and I want to do that with the leading firm in the sector.
1- Applicants with genetic modifications (read animal ears, tails, fur, three or more breasts, or any other sort of abomination will be rejected).
2- Applicans must have a S.K.Y.P.E account.
Name: Lacey Von Erich
Age: 35, born year 789 A.S,
Short bio: My parent's where killed mining in Dublin, they where shot down and killed by the Molly's who claim Dublin as there own. I was only 18 at the time my parents where killed. For some reason on my dad's will he left his hegemon mining ship for me. Being upset about my loss of my mother and father, time was tough but I tried to move on with my life, so with my hegemon that was left for me and the few million my parents had in storage. I moved down to Rheinland when I turned 20, this gave me time to try move on from my losses and have training in the mining fields of Dublin.
I moved down to Essen Station within New Berlin and later joined Kruger where I became a Omega 7 miner for them. Over recent months, things got tough, my hegemon became heavily damage by the Hessian Army, this left me vulnerable. This is why I wish to join Daumann, for a change of scenario and hopefully to be welcomed with more respect.
Why do you want to work for Daumann? For a better future for my children, when I have them and find someone to spend the rest of my life with.
Why do you think Daumann should hire you? Because I have the experience of mining and transporting for Kruger, mostly mining within the Omega 7 fields.
1- Applicants with genetic modifications (read animal ears, tails, fur, three or more breasts, or any other sort of abomination will be rejected). Don't have any
2- Applicans must have a S.K.Y.P.E account. You have my skype account
Name:Dominik Falk Age:24 Short bio: My Name is Dominik.Falk , 25 years old young man . I was born on Planet Nuremburg , Deep within Munich system . I studied Mineralogy & Geology. My father was an independent miner that started working for his own. Unlike my father , I've dreamed of serving our Fatherland and seeking its prosperity and welfare .
Being a son of an independent miner , And a Mineralogy & geology graduate , I Learnt everything i need to know to work in these dangerous asteroid fields and nebula within Munich System . I also could buy my own ship , Working really hard to be able to start my project "Regensburg|In&Export" .
Its an independent installation licensed by Rheinland Federal Poleizi Affliated with one with of the largest corporations within Rheinland , Your respective corporation , Daumann Heavy Construction . Its Only purpose is to to exploit all resources available to revive Rheinland Economy.
Why do you want to work for Daumann?I've decided to work for Daumann to be able to help and contribute to our fatherland prosperity and welfare , Gain more experience , And more profit Why do you think Daumann should hire you?I have a Theoritical and Practical Knowledge of where and how to mine and transport Ores efficiently .
My Graduation degree gives me a lot of understanding in mining , Which i would like to share and implement this knowledge with the company.
ooRP: // S.K.Y.P.E: Ahmed Ammar Notes:
1- Applicants with genetic modifications (read animal ears, tails, fur, three or more breasts, or any other sort of abomination will be rejected).
2- Applicans must have a S.K.Y.P.E account.
*** Ending Transmission ***
Active Server Characters:DHC-Domink.Falk - Rufus.Blackwell
Source: < Hanna Richter >
hrichter@dhc.rh | support@dhc.rh
DHC Global Secretary
Signal Strength: Very High
Encryption: AgeiraSec3
Subject: Re: Applications
Your applications has been accepted. Head to The Ring located in the New Berlin system to get your first Anweisungen.
//Dr. Zaff, could you add me on skype, there are quite alot of persons when I search for your name.
Add lambdadisco on skype.
Short bio: Son to Bretonian and Rheinland heritage, I originally grew up in the Cambridge system and attended University there, receiving a PhD in Chemistry. I have only recently graduated and came to live with my father in New Berlin, in hopes that I will be able to prosper here, as Cambridge is overly saturated.
Why do you want to work for Daumann? Being the largest mining and manufacturing firm, my background in Chemistry can be put to good use and can also help me to develop as a pilot and tradesman.
Why do you think Daumann should hire you? As a Doctor from Cambridge with strong piloting skills and great ambition, I would make a strong addition to this firm. With my strong will to succeed and passion for marginal gains where ever possible I can help in my own way to progress the Fatherland.
Source: < Hanna Richter >
hrichter@dhc.rh | support@dhc.rh
DHC Global Secretary
Signal Strength: Very High
Encryption: AgeiraSec3
Subject: Re: Application
Sehr geehrter Herr Dr.Kerr,
Your application has been accepted. Head to The Ring located in the New Berlin system to get your first Anweisungen.
Firstname: George
Surname: Smithson
Age: 32
Short bio: Was a USI security personnel for 7 months or so. I would rather not discuss about my Liberty past for I renounce its citizenship for a yearning to be a Rheinland citizen!
Why do you want to work for Daumann? I hear it has some good potential in the future and I wish to be part of that future.
Why do you think Daumann should hire you? I am experienced and understand the workings of how a corporation function.