' Wrote:What 3D Realms? I thought Blizzard says that everytime... :wacko::(
Cant wait to see...Erm fight it.:)
3D Realms is responsible for the greatest vaporware title of all time called Duke Nukem Forever,
they have been saying "whenever it's done" for about eight years now(might be more, not certain).
In the meantime the non-existent game has won first place in several vaporware lists for years in a row.
One thing tho... all the ships in Discovery don't have bubble-shaped shields right? This one being the exception?
I think that the bubble shield on bigger ships shouldn't be used, because trying to get through a dense asteroid field (Tau 31) with a battleship, even with 80 speed will be murderously difficult, or impossible.
Just my thoughts on this one small issue. Otherwise, very good work man. *applauds*
' Wrote:Most custom fighters have shield bubble because they use vanilla fighters hitbox. However some aren't.
The submitted version doesn't use bubble for shield, it is present in SUR but not being used.
p.s. trying to get through a highly dense asteroid field on a battleship is retarded by default regardless of the shield model type.
i made several fighters with custom SURs....and yes they don't have shield bubble, however, when i tested them in game, when fired upon hits were deflected from the ship like it has bubble....when shield dropped beams did hit the ship it self...
so it might not be a problem for fighters not having shield bubble since game somehow puts one there anyway...i don't know why that is happening...but it does on all my tests...even collision tests with and without shield show that bubble is very much present...
' Wrote:i made several fighters with custom SURs....and yes they don't have shield bubble, however, when i tested them in game, when fired upon hits were deflected from the ship like it has bubble....when shield dropped beams did hit the ship it self...
so it might not be a problem for fighters not having shield bubble since game somehow puts one there anyway...i don't know why that is happening...but it does on all my tests...even collision tests with and without shield show that bubble is very much present...
However..that isn't a case with capital ships...
If they don't have shield bubble physically then it's not the non-existing bubble mesh but errors within hull hitbox causing problems. Shield commodities do not have shield bubbles coming with them, that I can assure you of, nor does the game puts any if you don't have it in your SUR. Gaps, uncollapsed vertices, duplicate surfaces, wrong facing, etc. High variation in length/width compared to adjacent surfaces amongst the others. Considering that you are telling your ship(s) even without shield has the same collision results I'm more certain that its the error(s) in your SUR mesh composition. That video clip of OC gb is how it should work. Making working mesh is tricky and mostly is about knowing well how physics engine work in FL, how it is limited, what does it like and what it doesn't. Perhaps when there is time I could try to explain these things.
i didn't say they have same collision result...i said that with shield mounted there is a bubble around it..and with out shield ship bumps into thing with it parts...basically reacts as it should...
this needs more tests naturally, i just finished hitboxes yesterday and in open SP tests are limited...so i cant say anything for certain...
also...another thing...today i managed to make another break trough (well for me anyway)...i successfully added wireframe to the ship model...ATM wireframe consist from only one part, but i believe it is possible to make it from more parts...however making several parts it very time consuming..
Ship below is custom ship that i made for special purposes...