Transmission ID: LN-1120-07
From: Kentaurus Toliman - Ensign
To: Liberty Navy~ To whom it may concern.
RE: Current Roster/Databases
Sirs and Madames,
Each day it becomes harder to recognize fellow Navy-men and their ranks. It is also increasingly difficult to identify friendly registered ships (//indi ships). I have found an old database log of officers serving the LN that is grossly outdated. I've also yet to find an updated contemplation of known smugglers and terrorists (pirates?) that frequent Liberty Space. A lack of information on our part is a great danger to the citizens of Liberty.
~Lt. Commander Jack Malrone.
>Reporting Facilities.
An excellent idea put forth by Ensign Toliman meant I made a few calls and two new reporting facilities are available for viewing:
A reporting facility for Independent Liberty Navy ships has been set up here.
A reporting facility for known unlawful Freelancers and Mercenaries has been set up here. This facility is also used to report smugglers to the LPI, if the channel gets their approval.
As some terrorists are being secretly monitored by classified departments of the government, information about these people could not be put out, for concerns of house security.
Only a joint agreement from the Navy Admirality, LSF High Command and the President of Liberty would be able to release such information about known pirates and terrorists.
For the safety of Liberty, I would agree that information about pirates should be released, however only limited information about terrorists should be released. Apparently pirates and terrorists are classed as indifferent parties in matters about releasing information about them. This is why information cannot be released about known pirates: They are classed as terrorists under an old testament in Liberty Law...or so the politicians tell me.
I hope the Admiralty, LSF High Command and the President decide whether or not to release information about pirates and terrorists in Liberty rather quickly, because every day we delay could mean more lives lost on the battlefield.
I have been seeing a lot of new LNS vessels, even a LABC was searching for pirates around the trade lanes, not to mention the amount of gunboats around, most of them respond to common sense.
Hate to say it, Casero, but that list is a bit outdated. Myself and Darkmoor are both Lt. Commanders. Not to mention the influx of new recruits that have joined the ranks.
====incomeing transmission====
CommID: captian jimmy Patterson,22nd starforce
<start>jack your aLTC now wow congradulations anyway as you may or may not know admilrty i recently reemergecd and have taken command of my old ship the Louisbourg fortress now the FT Louisbourg gen kaitlyn runs a segment of the 22nd| and we plan on working as such closely with you guys again i cant say much over this channel as i know your all(mostly)alpha-2 cleared(or higher security) but i was on covert ops in *classified**** and im back anyway jack well have to catch up over a beer or two see you starside
<cuts comms the 22nd logo aperes folloed by the Liberty insignia>
//this is an inrp way of letting you know about xing's or now yue and i's new "106th" as there may not be a story behind it anytime soon
Ensign Alexander Casero reporting patrols of the past two days.
Yesterday, New York was in a deep mess, with Xenos, Hackers and Rogues attacking traders everywhere.
Traveling to the Texas gate, I found one Dagger with outcasts ID, trying to tax a transport ship passing to Manhattan, I came close to the Dagger, and he ran away, at least I saved some ammo there.
Flying back to West Point, an Outcasts tried to destroy my ship as soon as he saw me, fourtanely he didn't have an armour on that Sabre.
Sadly, two xenos, took me down close to Manhattan, a LNS gunboat tractored my escape pod, my destroyed Avenger was delivered to the planet too.
The Navy provided me with a new Avenger, as the last one has too much damage on it. And I've been sent to Z21 to protect the *CLASSIFIED*. Two LNS Gunboats joined on my duty, but seems some of them need guidance about our secret that has not to be told.
Today a Cardi smuggler has been positivly Identified, during a routine patrol of the Liberty Systems i stopped by Manhattan for a supply restock when i noticed a lone ship comming from behind Manhattan, naturally i moved to scan his hold and behold i saw this.
I ordered him to freeze but he suddenly jumped to cruise, i chased him all the way back to the Junker's field which he escaped into, a few minutes later he contacted me on private communications and attempted to bribe me with information about Hacker Vessel Locations, i refused and saved the logs for evidence.
I would recommend that this information be forewarded to the LPI for further investigation.
Transmission ID: LN-1120-08
From: Kentaurus Toliman -Ensign
To: Liberty Forces
RE: Report- Magellan Op.-JTF
Last night (approx 19:30 SMT) I was contacted by Commodore Nelson of the Bretonian Armed Forces to participate in a Joint Op in the Magellan System. Our target was a Lane Hacker Gunboat (name escapes me at the moment, but it contained William [~ before or after]) The Cdre met me at the California Jump Gate where he initiated NATO protocol and proceeded to Freeport 4 where we began our patrols. Cdre Nelson spotted the Hacker in "The Barrier" and confronted him. Just as I arrived to asist, the target feld deeper into the barrier. The target then altered his course and made straight for Wendell Ice Fields. While in the open space, I launched 2 or 3 Train Cruise Disruptors at the Gunboat, and he turned to engage us. While I drew his fire, Cdre Nelson began to drain his shields. Once the target's shields were depleted William fled, again we went in pursuit and I launched another 3 Tcds. This occurred another 2 times before his shields fell and the Cdre landed the deciding blow. After the mission we regrouped at the Freeport and debriefed. He departed back towards Manchester and I returned to California and contacted the Arizona.
On another note... recently, Maintenance installed a SKYPE Communications Module on my ship. Command has sent down the call-sign of Sempai17. All I require now is to secure the ComLink.
After receiving several reports of ships going through Illinois, several ships including members of the CF72 moved to blockade the Jumphole leading into the system.
One ship in particular was carrying Cardimine through and has sofar evaded arrest.
Subject was ordered to halt in New York but responded with a negative and fled towards Rochester, suggest negociating with Junkers to allow Navy vessels to extract known criminals from area.
Also, during a search for a Outcast Destroyer my ship spotted a Kusari Gunboat docking with the Rio Grande.
Suggest contacting the KNF to figure out who this person is.
Another Smuggler was spotted in New York who started to flee on sight of our vessel, when ordered to halt he refused and fled towards Rochester, but than he veered off, heading for the Colorado Jump Gate, thankfully reinforcements were able to intercept and launch a Cruise Distruptor before he could make too much progress, i'd personally like to thank the Anatore for quick thinking.
Later the Victorious was assigned to Guard Zone 21, helped the LNS-CF72-Anatore intercept a Pirate Outcast Destroyer, Cruise Distruptors trapped it in the Minefield where it was swiftly disassembled by the Anatore's guns. (Unable to add Guncam Image, not recorded by Victorious)
Finally it looks like we have yet another Hacker Gunboat, he engaged our vessel on sight but was a very poor pilot who was no match for Liberty weapons and was quickly destroyed in a span of five minutes, my Tactical Officer commented to me afterwords while reviewing the footage "He may not have been good at flying, but he blows up well.".
I began my shift with the regluar circuit around New York when I made a rendevous with the San Francisco. We had reports of an Outcast fleet consisting of 2 destroyers, a possible gunboat and later finding out, a bomber. The San Francisco moved to intercept while I faced off Jarek_70 in a Sabre near Manhattan orbit. The fight was even and soon attracted some of Jarek's supposed friends. They did not interfere however, and Jarek was destroyed by a collision with my ship. The San Francisco had sustained heavy damage after taking out 1 destroyer as she drew the fire of the entire fleet and was forced to retreat.
A few hours later, I stationed myself near the Yukon and kept an eye out for any trouble when Commander McTyre started his shift. I joined him in patrols until we heard some trouble from Lt.Kidd from the 214th division of a hostile mercenary that breached several Liberty laws, one including a Zone 21 infracture. We found the mercenary at Manhattan and after we asked him to answer for his crimes, he attacked us. At first, Commander McTyre and I were slightly off guard due to the sudden attack, however we were able to contain him until the Commander was hit by a mine. I retrieved his pod and continued the fight as Lt.Kidd arrived. A few minutes later, with the mercenary almost destroyed, he lost control of his ship and flew into Manhattan. We have no intel if he survived the crash.
A final event for yesterday's patrol, was a fight at Fort Bush when Johnny Knoxville and Razgriz-1 arrived to make some trouble. I undocked from Fort Bush to see this battle already taking place. I joined the Director and the LNS Atlanta in fighting these pirates. We concentrated fire on the gunboat first, hoping to take it out of commission, however that thought was gone when Atlanta's crew was forced to evacuate their ship. With just the Director and I, we switched targets to Razgriz-1 in a Sabre. A few jousts later and he was taken out, however we were forced to flee as we did not have enough firepower to hurt the gunboat.
On a final note, I have had the pleasure of working with many of our newer recruits and ensigns in the recent couple of weeks. Continue the good work!