' Wrote:Isn't all the information already present in this thread?
Six guns, four forward facing and two backward facing (with the concideration of having those two on the top of the ship instead so that five guns chould fire forward)
The agility will be half way between the LR gunboat and the LH gunship.
... i can't really remember anything else being said. I don't think we'll get the complete information until it's released... Just be patient :)
Eight guns (see the plan screenie of placements and arcs). Five-six firing forward (depends on the angle), two firing back and up/down. Basically placement is arranged in such fashion: two turrets on the top frame fire 160 angle to the left and right respectively, up and down too; two turrets on the bottom frame have same properties; two turrets on forward side frames have inverted placement (they are looking inwards, not outwards) limiting their side arcs, they fire forward; two turrets back on side frame, also inverted looking inwards, they fire backwards, up and down, limited firing to sides. This means upwards you get six turrets, including back turrets. Downwards the same. Backwards it depends largely on the angle, two fire at least, frame turrets fire depending on the angle, usually two of them. Frontal fire uses five-six guns, depending on the angle and placement of the target slightly above or below (in which case limiting either bottom or top frame turrets respectively). Side turrets aren't really that good. Opposite side frame turrets can't fire and inward turrets on side frames sometimes fire and sometimes not. Likely if the inward turrets were placed outside there would be six, however after testing I saw how inward behaves and figured I'd need to add two more to compensate their limits. Moving outside was out of question since there was no placement for them there, besides it gives the gunboat interesting design approach. May be not effective but something unique.
' Wrote:A shame that it cannot be passed off as a "science ship" then. Heh.
I have a sketch of a science vessel lying around, made approximately three months ago, but never had a time to get onto it. May be at some point I will, hopefully.
Point is.. that vessel will be spammed a LOT, just like the Corsair GB is on the Corsair side.
So we better make very sure it's not much better than other ships (*cough* BHG GS *cough*)
But yes now it's impossible to say anything more without testing, the cool custom hitbox will also play a big role.
Igiss says: Martin, you give them a finger, they bite off your arm.
its funny - the BHG gunship will be fixed to 4 forward and 2 backward only guns. - and the outcasts are building an 8 gun gunship ( unless the canopy is a biodome - this ship does not look very large )
but like i said in the other thread - it will only attract "one sort of players" and i am sure the corsairs can live with not having those players within THEIR ranks at least. - i don t deny that i am disappointed that this ship should get 8 turrets - even if they don t all face foreward, they can be equipped with missiles that can launch at non-LoS angles, too. but we shall see.. so far we know little of its actual size and agility.
' Wrote:Point is.. that vessel will be spammed a LOT, just like the Corsair GB is on the Corsair side.
Like I said before to you, that's not a problem of the ship but problem with people. For instance there are plenty of people around who prefer ship not by stats but by looks. In that case do I have to make it deliberately ugly to make sure it would scare off some people not to spam it? Say Outcast Waranboat MKIV? Come on, folks, I know you want Waran-looking gunboat, don't be shy. Please submit your ticket to public relations department, not to designers.
Good job at labeling people, Jinx. Plain bulverism. Despite that many find it's design attractive and being one of the important factors to them. This ship isn't made specifically to make you personally happy. Plus you're mixing gunships with gunboats, specifically with BHG gunship, going with that kind of comparison doesn't get it far. It says Outcast gunboat, not gunship, different things. If definitions will be more clearly made for upcoming version by the balancing team then the ship parameters will be adjusted accordingly to the new doctrine, I don't see a problem here.
It seems to me that certain people here are trying to push their fears ahead of the reason. Nothing about it is unchangeable, hardpoints can remain disabled if needed, but certainly not because of the fear. Don't be paranoid, as russian proverb says: fear has big eyes. We'll find out what is needed for it in public tests.
i ll suggest the zoner gunboat to get 8 guns, too instead of the 4 i thought to be in balance. we can still deactivate some of them hehe.
about gunships / boats... since when is there a difference? - its only a player differentiation concerning the size. - since you have the model, mind posting a size comparison to the other common gunboats?
post a size comparison to the BHG gunship, corsair GB, liberty GB and finally the scorpion. - than we d have the two smallest gunboats - and two of the 8 gun gunboats.
and post your suggestion about its agility compared to the other 8 gun gunboats. - like i said, nothing can be said about it... mind, its suspicious, but as you so clearly said ..... i am biased and my point of view is truely subjective as opposed to your objective overview. so - give us some objectiveness. - mind, epyon made a GREAT job at modelling the gunboat, and it would be sad to have it ruined with unbalanced stats....
btw. you can also start up with few hardpoints and check if more are needed.... as it turns out that people are more reluctanct to let go of stuff than to add, if needed. simply psychology ... i m sure you know about it.
"Good job at labeling people, Jinx. Plain bulverism." ( treewyrm )
"Other than that your post is messy, expressing rather limited viewpoints of your personal fighting experience and that's it. I largely disagree and with that kind of presentation." ( treewyrm )
again you fail to show respect in your posts - its sad that you take things so personal and that you feel the urge to personally attack others that do not share your point of view. but fear not, i decided that it would be detrimental to back out of the development cause of your funny remarks. for you, i added another comment from another post - think about your attitude.