[4:59:17 PM] Jordan Clark:people keep thinking im older
[4:59:17 PM] Jordan Clark: or a gay porn star
[4:59:21 PM] Jordan Clark: according to my boss
[4:59:29 PM] Chrono, The Noob Lord.: >.>
[4:59:41 PM] Chrono, The Noob Lord.: I knew I recognized you from somewhere...
[8:06:22 PM] Tal: My balls itch.
[8:23:03 PM] Kikatsu (Jack): (y)
[8:23:35 PM] Tal: Kikatsu, can you scratch them for me?
[8:24:11 PM] Meoshi⑨Otakie: I can kick them
[8:24:30 PM] Tal: That might help.
[8:24:35 PM] Tal: Can you try to?
[8:24:54 PM] Tal: Since pain tends to remove any itch.
[8:25:03 PM] Tal: Go ahead, I'll try not to cry.
[8:25:35 PM] Meoshi⑨Otakie: Ok
[15:46:36] glassofwater: My jimmies are rustled.
[15:47:07] Karst: "Poopy" happens. Keep your jimmies close, hold them tight. Don't let the mighty wind that is the outside world rustle them.
[15:47:25] glassofwater: Bro, I already lost most of them
[15:49:49] Karst: You can't lose jimmies, they are firmly rooted within you. At the most, they might be rustled greatly, their tips might wither, but you still have them. All you need to do is unrustle them.
[15:53:41] Karst: You know, nomnoms are prime jimmy unrustlers. They look at the big picture, they feel "poop" together.....their jimmies are firm, resolute.
[15:54:48] Karst: And from one single seed of confidence, watered with not-giving-a-"poopy", a strong jimmy may grow.
~Changed "naughty words" with poop cause that's what mature people do~