Yeah, some pictures to compare sizes would be lovely.:)
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.
If you watch the's kinda shows you how big it is. It's more flatter than the LR GB, looks to be a tad big longer to, but fatter than the LH GS, no where near comparable to the CS GB...damn lunchbox. But with the custom shields and the overall design of it...
Flying this baby is going to be the best thing ever.
well, ship is a real beauty...and knowing Treewyrm i know ship model wise will be balanced. But it was important to know how many turrets it will have as well as size of cause rebalancing of GBs is under way and this ship must find a place to fit with in that. Thats all.
As for this thread lets leave personal issues out of it, shall we? That means you too Dennis...Jinx and Treewyrm can deal with this without your "help"..Please?
Dennis is supporting Yuri's rather blunt but, as it usually is, necessary attempt to tell people to bugger off and let him do his job. Badgering him about it won't do anything but make him angrier.
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen