Name: [M]-Oranmore'o'Galwar
Location: New London, Dubland Jumpgate
Time (GMT): Just now, 10 minuteas ago
Date: 9/9/2013
Reason: So much redlag. Sorry to anyone there
Name: Viinturuth
Location (ingame): Leeds
Time (GMT): GMT+12 11:55am
Date: 11/09/2013
Reason: Really bad loss and lag so couldnt even dock with a station or lane or anything so had no choice but to F1 out of game
Name: Itziar.Leiseka[101st]
Location (ingame): Shikoku and Kyushu
Time (GMT): GMT+2 21:50 and 21:58
Date: 11/09/2013
Reason: Hell knows, windows updates, spyware, stupid T-mobile? All I know is that this is no fun at all. [11.09.2013 21:52:06] Ping: 50ms (Max: 1000ms) Fluct: 2ms Loss: 28% (Max: 70%) Lag: 94% (Max: 100%)
Name: CFV-Achilles
Location (ingame): Orkney
Time (GMT): 20:15
Date: 11 Sept 2013
Reason: Lagged out, my ping was getting higher and higher from 30% to 88% then when i got to the IMG base i was kicked due to high ping
Character Name: Nothing.Important
Location (ingame): New London
Time (GMT): now
Date: 9/12/13
Reason: Hell if I know. Game suddenly locked up, had to be killed in the task manager.
Name: Heartbreak.One
Location (ingame): Tau-23
Time (GMT): About 1615 and 1630 hrs
Date: 12/09/1989
Reason: Computer and modem suddenly decided to let go of each other. Twice. (Connection between computer and modem failed)