[8:17:34 AM] Chrono, Demon of Time.: shoulda said pole.
[8:17:39 AM] Nommy: fine POLE
[8:17:43 AM] Chrono, Demon of Time.: hey, I'm laughing about it.
[8:17:54 AM] Chrono, Demon of Time.: and am teasing you.
[8:17:58 AM] Nommy: i know
[8:18:01 AM] Chrono, Demon of Time.: don't get bent outaa shape.
[8:18:07 AM] Chrono, Demon of Time.: get it.
[8:18:10 AM] Nommy: da dum ccc
[8:18:56 AM] Widow (Sarah/Skynet): (chuckle)
[4:32:11 PM] Dan (bloogaL): [4:31 PM] Justin Hopkins:
<<< Roast Lythrilux over a bed of Dan, stuffed with Justin and generously seasoned with Petko.Why do I have to be on bottom? Q_Q
[4:32:15 PM] Luc E-W (Lythrilux): xD
[4:32:25 PM] Max Morse: Did anyone else picture that with them all in full bondage gear?
[4:32:33 PM] Justin Hopkins: Dan.
[4:32:37 PM] Justin Hopkins: I'm INSIDE of him. ._.
[4:32:44 PM] Justin Hopkins: Petko is luckiest, he gets to go on top.
[10:15:13 PM] alley: oh fuck oh fuck
[10:15:15 PM] alley: that's big
[10:16:09 PM] alley: too big
[10:25:46 PM] Troy Martin (Kazinsal): (nerd)
[10:26:05 PM] alley: no I'm serious
[10:26:08 PM] alley: this is massively big
[10:26:23 PM] alley: why on earth would justin do that
[4:15:13 AM] Gypsie Skripto: I want a millenium falcon who's dick should I suck?
[4:15:32 AM] Thyr'zul: Chewbacca, because Han is always doing it Solo
[4:15:37 AM] Gypsie Skripto: lol
[4:15:56 AM] Thyr'zul: you can practice handling a furry on Bret if you want