This is not the thread for this kind of feedback. But in any case...our players are not noobs, and if you have read any of our background RP, you should know that this is exactly how we treat Bowex ships. Deal with it.
If it truly was a case of mistaken identity...then I guess we can hopefully learn something from this and it truly won't happen again.
(07-26-2013, 02:57 PM)Ray Wing Wrote: You lot are...I do not know how to describe you...STOP FREAKIN ATACKING...I was flying today and outsice Planet Curacao I was "aproached" by one of you just because my IFF was a bowex one and after calling him a noob wich idk what it means to you but to me it means newbie like in every other game he began to atack trade lanes and cruise distrupt me and bump my Mastodon... I hope this will never happen again.
It was my ship you called a noob an indy Gateway ID Bomber, the second you called me a noob RP went out the window!!! I demanded an apology but you refused to give it then began rule lawyering me on RP. Ironic coming from someone who preaches the importance of it when you didnt do it yourself.
Yes you were DSE ID'd but with a Bowex IFF and before I even had a chance to see your ID you called me a noob.
(08-04-2013, 06:16 AM)Ktayn Wrote: Apparently I no longer get notifications when there's a new post in this area. I will get it set up shortly, just need to resolve that issue I PMed.
First of all, I want to give kudos to the captain of Sapphire, we flew together from Rheinland to Bretonia, and had nice inRP argument about corporations, IMG and such things. Usual bullying between members of megacorporation and new, small company. Although I'm bit surprised when it comes to the idea of company director having his office on a transport, regular transport flying with supplies, except that I enjoyed conversation a lot.
But, there are also bad things I wanted to point out, sadly.
Roleplaying out member of both company and navy is a big no-no in my opinion. I've got some bad experiences with powergaming person pretending to be director of shipping company and higher-up in police faction, and was dissapointed to discover similar thing goes on in Gateway.
Hello, this is Susan Forder from Bretonia Armed Forces secondary fleet
Maybe there's also something even bigger what's wrong, though.
Some time after Daumann refused your business proposal (which didn't make sense inRP to be honest, Daumann working with IMG buddies?), Black Widow was selling GMS miner docked in Koeln, clearly stating it was used to mine aluminium.
(08-09-2013, 07:51 PM)Black Widow Wrote: well post your offers and the best one wins! Hows that?
You wont however get a fully repped GMS Hegemon mining ship ready to start mining Aluminium Ore in Koeln for less than the price of a new one!
Gallic corporation ship mining ore for Bretonian company, in Rheinland in addition, is just wrong. Both inRP and ooRP, from the server rules perspective. I hope you weren't using GMS alt to mine aluminium ore for Gateway IDed ships, were you?