Encryption: High, specific decryption key required
Sender: Laura (special authorization verified)
Sent: 9:44 local time, 18th June 820; Montpellier Guard Station, Languedoc system, Gallia
To: Trueno Benitez
*Laura appeared on the screen and starts speaking first sentence pretending Gallic accent. Judging from the iron wall behind her and some muffled machinery sound she is probably in cabin of the ship*
Bonjour, monsieur Benitez! Hihi... Mais pas, comment allez-vous, mon amour?
*she grins*
Okay, that´s almost all I know from this sexy language full of strange accents and letter r. So, back to languages I know better. As you wish then, I will be waiting for my taxi pilot in the bar of Kurile Spaceport Station from half past three in the morning. Tell him to look for Kusarian-looking woman who will drink coffee because I bet I would be only one doing this there in that hour. And moreover, Kusarians don´t drink coffee much generally. I will send you message at the moment I will be leaving Honshu to confirm I´m on the way, sí?
Anyway, I´m looking forward more and more day by day. Despite I´m now enjoying flying again. Our journey was good and without bigger problems so far. To be precise, until now. Gallic police patrol stopped us and then forced to moor at their border station to...
*she starts speaking with pretending of gallic accent again for first sentence*
...'check your papers and validity of your Restricted Exports Permit'. And they are very conscientious obviously, as they are doing this now for...
*she looks at her watches*
...around eighteen hours, causing quite big delay in our flight schedule. Bastards! You know, they generally don´t like us, where 'us' means all non-Gauls. So sometimes they enjoy bullying like this, especially when you have load of their precious cryocubes. Usually I don´t care much, but this time...it makes my personal schedule quite tight. I had one day reserve to manage everything without rush. Which is almost gone now. So it will be in rush. Why not, right? I just hope they won´t do this again during our second flight because then my arrival to Kurile on time could be endangered really seriously.
That is probably all for now. So as you can see, if somebody will bring to life my inner Corsario, it will be actually Gallic police as I will punch somebody in the face and then spend few years in their prison. Nah, okay, maybe it will be better to let my inner Corsario sleep.
*she looks at the camera more closely*
Hmm, I have another call from that bastards called Gallic Royal Police. Wish me luck. Oh and by the way, you didn´t tell me if I should bring you some souvenir from there. Anyway, bye for now. Kiss you!
*she quickly makes "sending kiss" gesture, then turns the camera off*
------------------------------END OF THE MESSAGE---------------------------------------------------
------------------------------DATA CONNECTION.....................TERMINATED----------------
Encryption: High, specific decryption key required
Sender: Laura (special authorization verified)
Sent: 10:44 local time, 27th June 820; planet Honshu, Honshu system, Kusari
To: Trueno Benitez
*Laura appears on the screen in some ordinary room
Hola, Trueno! Is everything bueno? I didn´t receive any more messages from you after that one you sent on 16th. I hope you have good excuse for that, like building my own castle on the Crete...
*she smiles*
Okay, now seriously, I hope nothing changed and everything is bueno around you. I managed to do everything, despite it was quite close. Hard to believe that I´m really going to holiday...and even more, to Crete!
Well, boarding to the Samura shuttle will start in few minutes so I´m now just letting you know I´m on the way to Kurile. I don´t want send message directly from it as there will be not much privacy. I hope I have everything needed.
I´m looking forward to Crete, but much much more to you. That is all for now probably. So this time, I´m not going to send you kiss because you will get it soon personally, sí? See you tomorrow!
*she smiles again, then turns the camera off*
------------------------------END OF THE MESSAGE---------------------------------------------------
------------------------------DATA CONNECTION.....................TERMINATED----------------