Not all things can be put on all ships, and the Barge doesn't even have a spot to put a cloak on (as most cargo ships that need a ID)
Or maybe if the ships come with cloaks it could be like the Tundra...take off it's FG and your game crashes xD
Evo...Nomads have the power to cloak in there "blood", that's why you use dead Nomads to make human cloaks, they take the cloak part from the Nomad to make ours work. So Nomads don't have to kill anything to make them.
This Galaxy is vast; its wonders and beauty are almost unfathomable. But the galaxy also hides dark secrets, some of which have lain dormant since the beginning of time itself. There is a danger in secrets, both in seeking and in knowing. Some things are meant to be hidden from view. Some mysteries defy understanding, and sometimes even the things we think we know are untrue. Some secrets should remain untouched.
Balance is boring. We need some smartly made imbalance.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
(10-11-2013, 11:06 PM).Flash. Wrote: Oh, Cloaks for Nomads won't have to use Fuel, what else can we balance?
Should we disregard that the nomads pretty much are the reason cloaks exist?
That they generate energy just by being in radiation, or in the same system as a star? That they can explode said stars with a single ship from about 5 (or more) AU away? (AU being the average distance of the earth to our sun)
Or you know, that they're hyper-advanced alien species that have seemingly unlimited range mental connections where every individual knows what the other is thinking from twenty lightyears away?
But I suppose anyone will complain even if they never actually encounter the nomads.
Cloak for infinite and afk as long as you want. And Im pretty sure Nomads use some type of thing for fuel. Not IDs that make it go infinite, but then again, there are 100 more things that aren't balanced or just plainly OP or suck. So no point of complaining really, personally, I don't have anything against the infinite cloaks for Nomads, but really, infinite? We all know what will happen as soon as a nomad cloaks for infinite and uncloaks 2 hours later to kill someone again. My idea for cloaks for nomads was time instead of fuel. Like:
Everytime you dock, the cloak time resets and you are ready to use it again. It will still allow the ships to have the open cargo, but have a limited time for cloaking and not go full lol and cloak forever. When you start cloak, it will start the time when the animation happens, not the whole process. I'm not sure if that can be made, but this will prevent the huge QQs later.
That doesn't mean we should mega buff them because they are some OP species of creatures. Yes they are very advanced in tech, and are creepy aliens with weird powers, but that doesn't mean they should be mega OP because they are aliens :|
I'm not even going to go into balance with you, because that'd just be too funny for me to handle.
But really, if you don't like it? Don't go into the Omicrons.
You have very little faith in the K'Hara though, it would seem. The majority (one or two schmucks that still haven't been kicked out I can't speak for) tend to not be abusive nimrods.
EDIT: Because I just have to comment on this--
Quote:Everytime you dock, the cloak time resets and you are ready to use it again.
Try and find me a nomad base that isn't about a 30 minute flight from everything else, I'll wait.
Contrary to popular belief, we don't just magically have some place to dock. We have a base that's out in Bretonia (90k cruise through the system it's in), and then the Omicrons.