Ironically, the opening post contains more RP than I have seen for a while around here.
Kudos for that at least.
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(11-19-2013, 04:32 PM)sindroms Wrote: Ironically, the opening post contains more RP than I have seen for a while around here.
Kudos for that at least.
You might need to look around in Communications Channels then. Flood is not usually the place for stuff like this "attempt", actual RP happens there.
your critical spirit is welcome "in flood". it seem that you like very much to say "it's not rp" in fact yes,but under admin eyes it seem no. maybe that in the factions it's different, but if you want i can send all the answers from the factions who have said: try again, your application is denied. it is useless that i name these factions, for certain, you know very well who is the asministrator.
the list is very long, so that in my own faction i do that i can to be in game.
I know too that certain have proposed to teach me the "RP" , and that other have accepted me in their independant actors.
To finish we are fine here to discuss about RP no? .
your integrity is protected here.