Quote:[I'm still after a VHF and bomber for the Golden Chrysanthemums, if anyone is interested in creating one for them?
Quote:Ask Jinx politely, her Kusari models are all very nice.
I thought that you could make a GC VHF or something. I would support this for more then one reason.
My main reason is that I see GC using BD equipment instead of civilian. BD HF too.
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.
true in ways ugur, but the BDHF and red cat are slightly more minouverable than the kusari equivelants in exchange for slight armour
but like i said on the 1st post stats on the LF can be kept the same, afterall its the fastest lf in the game and arguable the one of the smallest if not thee smallest, like i said keep it all the same just slightly red
i really do think it should stay the same along with every other current vanilla ship, if theyre gonna downgrade all the vanilla ships, twud make the mod worse not better ..... why do we need to gimp everything all the crap non vanilla ships should be brought to the current vanilla ship standards not the other way around imo.
true it is in that category but lemme put it this way
liberator = light fighter, size = small .... now making that slow, or slower than somethings would just be illogical, i dont even think you can disagree with me there.... there has to be a common sense factor implimented into things afterall
Eagle = fast, minouverable even if flown right FAR from impossible to hit its size makes it to easy to hit even for crap pilots i cant agree with you there
BD/Chimaera = you missed the chimaera cause the BDHF is only SLIGHTLY not even noticable faster than the chimaera, small .... just as all kusari ships are, fast.... just as all kusari ships are, now honestly its supposed to be the fastest thing in the game and in its current state it blows up with one cannonball if it hits clean.
Sabre = imo same as eagle far from impossible to hit, the only thing that makes the sabre good is its strafe, i honestly couldnt care less about its turn rate, if that ships strafe is to be nerfed itl be one of the worse ships in the game, dont care what anyone says that is a fact.
now honestly if all ships are to be made non vanilla (are being made) all explosives should be upped to about double to 3x its current damage so they can blow up everything in 1 hit. the whole capship debate about if explosives are upped itl hurt caps even more.... im sorry thats a loada rubbish, explosives do absolutely NOTHING to cap ships right now bar blow off weapons, and even then they dont do it..... torpedos, mines, missiles should all be upped in damage so that current vanilla ships dont get gimped.
honestly i find gimping the best fighters in the game, in terms of fun will just hurt this mod completely .... a update is meant to make a game better and upgrade it, with all this NERF THIS NERF THAT crap its not a upgrade its making the game go back 2 years when you where playing Freespace 2 and Colony wars where your ships flew at annoying slow speed.
EDIT: oh not to mention why dont we stop crying about nerfing the good ships and actually fix the crap ones.
EDIT2: honestly i do find this switch to non vanilla on fighters pointless extremely pointless, if we wanna sort the whole vanilla vs non vanilla ship bug thing, all it takes is to up the explosives so it blows all fighters up in one shot and upgrade the current non vanilla ships so they can compete with vanilla ones more.
' Wrote:liberator = light fighter, size = small .... now making that slow, or slower than somethings would just be illogical, i dont even think you can disagree with me there.... there has to be a common sense factor implimented into things afterall
It should get as "slow" as the Wyrm/Hussar in my eyes, since both of them are slower and bigger
Quote:Eagle = fast, minouverable even if flown right FAR from impossible to hit its size makes it to easy to hit even for crap pilots i cant agree with you there
I'm actually very unsure about it also, point was it should get small turning decrease - say from 1.34 (in flstat numbers) it has now to 1.3
Quote:BD/Chimaera = you missed the chimaera cause the BDHF is only SLIGHTLY not even noticable faster than the chimaera, small .... just as all kusari ships are, fast.... just as all kusari ships are, now honestly its supposed to be the fastest thing in the game and in its current state it blows up with one cannonball if it hits clean.
I'm unsure on the Chimaera as well.. that's why I ask other people that fly both . Mostly they say it's MUCH slower than BD.
Well yes, how many times does it get hit by cannoball outside 1vs1?
But I can agree Chimaera shoul get a bit less armor if those changes happen.
Quote:Sabre = imo same as eagle far from impossible to hit, the only thing that makes the sabre good is its strafe, i honestly couldnt care less about its turn rate, if that ships strafe is to be nerfed itl be one of the worse ships in the game, dont care what anyone says that is a fact.
Hmm.. let's see, Zapp in a Sabre - no damage from 5 RM shooting him... Zapp in a Wrath - raped by 3 RM. Chopper in a Sabre.. no damage from 6 LN shooting him I could list most people around here.
You yourself agreed it should get slower turn rate. It should still have better strafe than other ships yes
Quote:now honestly if all ships are to be made non vanilla (are being made) all explosives should be upped to about double to 3x its current damage so they can blow up everything in 1 hit.
the whole capship debate about if explosives are upped itl hurt caps even more.... im sorry thats a loada rubbish, explosives do absolutely NOTHING to cap ships right now bar blow off weapons, and even then they dont do it..... torpedos, mines, missiles should all be upped in damage so that current vanilla ships dont get gimped.
That is the goal yes. Only slight change is that I think components should be upped a bit as well. So that it won't take 3 nukes to blast all guns (like now) or 1 (if you only upped damage) but 2. And not 6 Cannonballs but 4. All LFs will die to 1 Nuke as well.
Quote:honestly i find gimping the best fighters in the game, in terms of fun will just hurt this mod completely .... a update is meant to make a game better and upgrade it, with all this NERF THIS NERF THAT crap its not a upgrade its making the game go back 2 years when you where playing Freespace 2 and Colony wars where your ships flew at annoying slow speed.
EDIT: oh not to mention why dont we stop crying about nerfing the good ships and actually fix the crap ones.
Point is to make fights shorter yes. Freespace 2 is one of the best balanced games I know of. Specially in terms of capships/fighters.
Quote:EDIT2: honestly i do find this switch to non vanilla on fighters pointless extremely pointless, if we wanna sort the whole vanilla vs non vanilla ship bug thing, all it takes is to up the explosives so it blows all fighters up in one shot and upgrade the current non vanilla ships so they can compete with vanilla ones more.
If we should go that way you know what fights and loadouts will become?
Everyone will get only Shieldbusters + explosives and all fights will be just mine/missile/torpspam.
Igiss says: Martin, you give them a finger, they bite off your arm.