You are right about names... However every name is unique and special. One day next generation, children of our children will look at your photo and they will say "This lady saved our planet and thanks to her we can see those pretty animals and flowers."
And I can confirm your experience, Welcome Sister!
Name:Ryan Pierce Do you own (a) ship(s)? Please list details:I own a Chameleon Place of birth and other relevant biographical information:
I was born on planet New London, in a Gaian affiliated family. I spent most, if not all of my life, hidden from those pesky cops. Needless to say, I grew sick of it, and as soon as I could, I left the planet and set myself on an adventure to seek my fellow Gaians. Somehow, I managed to get to Skye and I didn't feel like a stranger anymore. It felt like home, so I stayed and decided to chase the Gaian goal. Now, here I am, looking for something more. Current Gaian station residence:Skye base Any past Gaian or other criminal affiliations:I've been flying Gaian colors for several years, so I'm assuming it has to count for something. Reasons for joining:I am looking for an organized group which knows what it wants, and the Watchers seem as close to it as it gets. Other than those within the Edinburgh System, which planet has the greatest need to be watched and guarded against threat?Every other not already destroyed inhabited planet. You are strolling through a Junker station and come to a four-way hallway intersection when you notice a Planetform employee, an OSC employee, and a BMM employee, each standing in front of one of the other halls. They will quickly notice your Gaian affiliation. What do you do and why?I'd keep my state of tranquility and pretend like I didn't even notice them.
Do you own (a) ship(s)? Please list details:Panther class bomber
Place of birth and other relevant biographical information:Born on Kingston Border Station. Grew up in you're average household really. Went to university, while there I worked with Planetform and Cryer quite a bit. For seven years I assisted them, and for seven years I saw responsible sustainable scientific research take a back seat to profit chasing. They didn't care what we did, as long as we made money. Ethics were thrown out of the window. I had enough. I left behind the scientific community, hoping to make a difference. With you, I can.
Current Gaian station residence:Torshavn Space Port
Any past Gaian or other criminal affiliations:Not as of yet. I was a scientist, occasionally assisting Planetform and Cryer research teams. After seeing what these companies do to our homeland and our precious resources, I just couldn't take working for those people.
Reasons for joining:In Bretonia we have already ruined one system, Leeds. I don't want that happening to another. Plus, the so called 'scientific' corporations need to stop milking our land dry. I would be honoured to fight for the natural beauty of Bretonia.
Other than those within the Edinburgh System, which planet has the greatest need to be watched and guarded against threat?Planet Cambridge. It is a beautiful, verdant world. There is such a wealth of flora and fauna which we take for granted, I feel it is neccesary to protect this. However, this is not to say I am against any kind of industrial activity. I see no reason why the natural world has to compete with the industrial. Sustainability is key here.
You are strolling through a Junker station and come to a four-way hallway intersection when you notice a Planetform employee, an OSC employee, and a BMM employee, each standing in front of one of the other halls. They will quickly notice your Gaian affiliation. What do you do and why?I continue walking along. I am not ashamed of what I stand for, I don't see why we cannot all resolve things like gentlemen.
Please leave your neuralnet contact information and this application with your local bartender and a response will be sent shortly. And remember to recycle on your way out. macgillycuddy_reeks
Do you own (a) ship(s)? - Yes, a bomber, a gunboat and a Raba already.
Place of birth and other relevant biographical information - As you could realise by my name, I was born in Kusari when it wasn't a slave of the gaul forces, but that isn't important here. My family belongs to the Gas Miners Guild now, but since I've heard about the protectors of Gaia, and my older brother has met with one of your agents in Bretonia, something changed. He left us and went into Bretonia to fight against the enemies of Mother Nature. As far as I know, he died somewhere in Dublin, but to be honest, we never had a message or something like that about it. I'm well sure he is with Gaia and protect her in the eternity. I'm student of the bioengineering faculty at Yonowabe University in New Tokyo, but I had enough lessons to learn. I would like to do something what could make my family proud of me. We had massive combat training at the Gas Miners Guild when we were younger so flying a spaceship isn't a problem for me and hauling something neither an impossible mission. I did left my university and Kusari already, so I'm absolutely ready to serve the gaian movement.
Current Gaian station residence - Torshawn Space Port - Cambridge
Any past Gaian or other criminal affiliations - Not already, just hanging around on the station and doing some usual stuff to get enough money for a girl at the bar.
Reasons for joining - I feel that as a family tradition and to be honest, I had enough learning, so I would like to do something in real. //oorp part: I have damn short time to play, but I used to hang around on my gaian chars sometimes, what could help some to raise activity or make some fun in a gaian faction.
Other than those within the Edinburgh System, which planet has the greatest need to be watched and guarded against threat - Well, as far as I know, there are more than one, so just point on Planet Harris, California Minor and Planet Sprague at the moment, okay?
You are strolling through a Junker station and come to a four-way hallway intersection when you notice a Planetform employee, an OSC employee, and a BMM employee, each standing in front of one of the other halls. They will quickly notice your Gaian affiliation. What do you do and why - Its a good question. If I can't handle them, I will try to get as much informations as I can about their destination, ship type and cargo. Except of that I'm just blowing them into the space after smiling on their whining.
Bioengineer yes or hai is it? I'm glad someone like you wants to join us and I'm sure you saw me in the bar yesterday. I'm sure you will help -us- and our Gaia! You are Accepted. Good work, make us proud!!
Do you own (a) ship(s)? Please list details:Waran Civilian Bomber
Place of birth and other relevant biographical information: I was born on Islay Base in the Edinburgh system. My mother was a bar maid in this base and my father is was a guard of planet gaia. Unfortunately when planetform tried to terraform it he died in a combat. But the gaians were able to protect the planet so mt father's goal is archived. My mother is now retired and tries to help often in the Kitchen of the Bar. I served for a while the FA but then realised that this organisation needs me more!
Current Gaian station residence:Skye Base
Any past Gaian or other criminal affiliations:Served a few months for the Farmers Alliance in Kusari but returned later to serve i would not say better goal but just going back to my childhood
Reasons for joining:Protect as well planet gaia and liberate sirius from: BMM, OS&C and Planetform.
Other than those within the Edinburgh System, which planet has the greatest need to be watched and guarded against threat? I think all planets, all of them are visited by those scums that try to demolish our world (well not all of the plantes but mostly those in house regions and bordering systems)
You are strolling through a Junker station and come to a four-way hallway intersection when you notice a Planetform employee, an OSC employee, and a BMM employee, each standing in front of one of the other halls. They will quickly notice your Gaian affiliation. What do you do and why?I'll try not to kill them, becouse they serve our friends junkers who serve us. I'll give them a warning not to cross me again!
Do you own (a) ship(s)? Please list details:Not yet, but I intend to use the profits from my business selling tie-died tee shirts and flowery headbands to purchase a Chameleon.
Place of birth and other relevant biographical information: Planet Cambridge. My parents were part of the Hazmat team sent there to help clean up the environment after the famed Mox bombing by the infamous Phantom organization. I grew up with a strong affinity for the environment and a loathing for all those who would seek to harm it.
Current Gaian station residence:Currently, I still reside on Planet Cambridge. However, I would like to station myself at Islay asap.
Any past Gaian or other criminal affiliations: I have no past affiliations with criminal organizations, however I have been arrested 17 times for various crimes ranging from, protesting while drunk, protesting while naked, attacking a constable while both drunk and naked, excessive tree hugging, and accidentally easing nature at the front door of the Constable's office. I may have been drunk and naked there too.
Reasons for joining:The environment needs an organization to advocate for it. It needs a voice to make itself heard above Planetform's terraforming machines. I understand that Gaians speak for Nature herself and have no difficulties making themselves heard. For that reason, I wish to join.
Other than those within the Edinburgh System, which planet has the greatest need to be watched and guarded against threat?Planet Harris. They blatantly sell Gaian Wildlife for gross amounts of credits and I understand they actually persecute naked protestors.
You are strolling through a Junker station and come to a four-way hallway intersection when you notice a Planetform employee, an OSC employee, and a BMM employee, each standing in front of one of the other halls. They will quickly notice your Gaian affiliation. What do you do and why?I would quickly take off all my clothes and roll myself along the oily walls of the Junker base. I would then wave my arms around madly, screaming, "For Gaia!" Finally, I would slip away from them, their hands failing to find purchase on my greasy body and I escape unscathed onto my ship, sans clothes. What can I say? I like to get naked.