While I understand where you're all coming from, I do miss my PS3. Had such good times. Mostly the exclusive games (God of War, Little Big Planet, Resistance, Killzone, etc), but there were other perks..
Both have a place - especially when it comes to the online/multiplayer environment.
While PCs make person to person communication worlds easier and less chaotic, the massive variance in machine specs inevitably leads to a different lag/ping/etc experience for every player, often with the most expensive rig being the defining factor, not reaction time or 'skill'.
(Sorry, I just don't consider moving a mouse and/or pushing buttons to be a 'skill')
With consoles, there is vastly less of this dynamic due to the 'leveling of the playfield' in terms of operating hardware.
FPS and other PvP environments tend to shine on consoles, where more immersive and communicative games shine on PC.
Like idiots and geniuses, lovers and haters, there has to be room in the world for all types, and I put gaming rigs in the same category.
Consoles really aren't that much cheaper than PC gaming.
While you will only spend $500 for the newest gen console, and a decent gaming PC will cost you $1500 around full price (of course, if you're a savvy shopper, you can get a PC with $1500 specs for around $500 if you wait for a good deal), that PC will last you through a couple generations while the console is done at the start of the next generation.
All in all, it's not that much more expensive, not even taking into consideration fees like Xbox's Gold Membership or other hardware for the console like more controllers and bigger hard drives.
I will give consoles this much though, mouse and keyboard suck for non-shooter games, which is why I use an Xbox controller for almost all of my PC gaming.
(08-22-2014, 10:45 PM)dierton Wrote: Who the hell cares what gaming system someone else plays. Doesn't affect you any. Just go back to your 120FPS and mods in peace
Ooh. Except it does. It absolutely does affect us. Do you think we'd be having this debate if it didn't?
Follow the money. Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo cater to the lowest common denominator: the ignorant and/or low-expectations and/or low-income consumer. Because they've harnessed the masses, consoles are where the money is, and has been for a while now. Because that's where the lion's share of the money is, those are the platforms developers focus on creating content for. And because those platforms only update once a decade or so, (and are tightly controlled etc etc), they effectively hamstring the evolution of software.
Even ignoring the fact that PC gamers often end up with sloppy half-arsed console ports... the games you, I, and everybody else play are immeasurably poorer because of this phenomenon, by any number of metrics of quality. Imagine what games we could have been playing today, if the major developers had been making games for the cutting-edge hardware of the day, for the last two decades.
By the way, please don't read this as a diatribe against console gamers. It's not. I get it; those of us whom are PC gamers are tremendously fortunate in myriad ways. A whole lot of people can't enjoy this hobby for any number of reasons, and it isn't necessarily their fault or even anything they can do about. It's just the way the world is. All I'm attempting to do here is present the 'stereotypical' PC gamer's perspective.
Quote:I find it funny how PC fanboys use that pic from Yahtzee who created it in satire of PC fanboys
It has a different meaning now.
Perfect defense
Imperfect offense.
I have consoles for Zelda games, with the exception of the PS3 which I got 2nd hand as a Blu Ray player. Few games too, but untouched.
A few PCs and laptops, some are good, some not so graphically inclined.
What I play depends on what I feel. Subjective life.
Yeah, like he said - I play what I like. I don't care if it makes money for any other company. We have freedom of choice and it's no one else's business. Those all topic will lead to neverending flame wars, what destroy good relations on forums, because people just cannot stop on discussion, which WILL became arguing, then a flame war. It's pointless. I NEVER SAID that PC IS NOT GOOD. It's just choice of taste and money.
I am a student, I preferred to buy X360, because this is how much I have saved for almost 2 years, provided I have all other expenses, books to buy, buses to pay, and so on. Period.
I'm done with this topic. Because this is as pointless as choosing whether is better: pancakes or ice-cream.
P.S. Protege is right - but partially. half to 2/3 of the people in southern Poland are earning about 1800 PLN, rarely above 2000 PLN. Of course, 2800 PLN is a standard wage, but as issued by Polish government, and as we know not everything that government says is 100% true.
Except savings perhaps might not be the case considering extra tax on console games (unless you buy used games) and compared to frequent sales that happen in pc digital distribution markets. It isn't just the initial cost but all the upkeep costs over the period of usage as well.
(08-24-2014, 12:17 PM)Treewyrm Wrote: Except savings perhaps might not be the case considering extra tax on console games (unless you buy used games) and compared to frequent sales that happen in pc digital distribution markets. It isn't just the initial cost but all the upkeep costs over the period of usage as well.
I only got 3 games on X360 which are brand new. I have no problems buying new game every 2-3 months, because I choose game that will last for a very long time - provided I play usually 1 to 3 hours daily, if I have time (what occurs or not, because of TV that is occupied by other family members OR I just simply have neither time nor humour for that).
And that's all I will say on this topic. No more posts from me on that.