Copy of your 2 most active ships from the IMG tracker:
IMG|ErOcioso 04:06:35 02:26:12 04:15:53 08:22:28 Sun, 25 Sep 2016, 17:04:04 UTC
IMG|ErCaiman 00:47:34 00:27:00 00:24:28 01:12:02 Sun, 25 Sep 2016, 18:10:52 UTC
Channels on Skype have been remade. 58 (seemingly) inactive members were removed.
If you are stuck in the old one, and if you are still active, Skype-PM me with a copy from the activity tracker.
Like: IMG|ErCaiman 00:47:34 00:27:00 00:24:28 01:12:02 Sun, 25 Sep 2016, 18:10:52 UTC
Don't bother pasting me things with "00:00:00 00:00:00", as I only want to add active members to the new channel.
Well you know me... I am
my Skype name is flocosoasa
my main caracter is IMG|Vali.Fletcher[R] 10:18:57 04:18:02 07:50:02 18:08:59 Sun, 16 Oct 2016, 11:08:34 UT
second is my miner IMG|Edison.Fletcher[R] 02:16:24 01:05:55 00:29:56 02:46:20 Sun, 16 Oct 2016, 11:39:32 UTC
and the last is a img fighter IMG|Thomas.Anderson[R] 06:01:31 03:44:54 00:00:00 06:01:31 Sat, 15 Oct 2016, 13:29:53 UTC
i hope to buy a new ship soon and buy me a miner to start some work, for faction, in omega3