M̠̩̟̹̘̪̘̞̟̠̩̪̻̺̩̩̩̠̟̊̈̃̽̃̽̈̽̃̽̈̊̈̃̚ˡ̴̈̽̃̈̊̈̽̃̽̈̊̈̊̈̈̽̃̽̃̃̚˞̪̺̻̩̠̠̩ˡ˞̴˞̴˞̝̝̘̙̪̺̈̽̽̈̈̊e̺̬̠̻̺ˤ̥̜̠̯̞̺̊̚ˡ˞̴s̰̤̺̽̃̽̈̊̊s̺̞̽å̹̞̝̝̥̜̃̃g̹̟̩̯̯̯̯̻̪e̟̠ Class: Textual
Encryption: Ooh, long!
To: Admiral Sir George Richard Hall, BArF
From: Izay Vyu, C̺̟̜̞̝̽̃N̼̰̽̽̊̊̈˞̴̪̙S̙̬ ̚˞̴S˞̽o̹̞̥̻̩̩̩̩̩̩̩̩̩̩̩̩̩̩̩̩̩̩̩̩̩̩̩̩̩k̠̟̹̞̬̜̟̯̤̼̈̃o̽̈̊̽̃̈̽̃̽̈̈̊̃̽.‿̻̙̞̹̊̊ˡ˞l
My love,
hunting miners in the Omegas would be a w˞as̺̪̬te̽̃ ̽o̘f̩̩̻ power and efficiency for a Legate. Or do the Armed Forces send battleships after tiny pirates? No. I know you would prefer to not see your ð̴˞̰̽u̝̘̹̹n̺̩̩̩̩̩̟̘̬̝̥̥̥̬k̹ï̠̠̹̊̊̈r̙̹̊˞̴k̤š̹̈̽̃ drifting around after a battle, unable to return to Southampton without some tugs. To be fair, my love, I would prefer the Sokol not staying hours and days at the repair bays of - well, you can guess it.
Witnessing you losing one fight after another, even if my ship takes heavy damage either, is quite satisfactory, though, my admirable admiral. T̊h˞̴̈i̽˞̝s̹̜ ̠t̠̟̘̊̈̈ĩ̈ɰ̞̝̥̥̹̜̩̩̯̯̯̯̯̯̻̘̹̘̞̥̊̃e̙̙̙̘̞̬̹̹̬̥̝̝̘̹̙̙̪̪̺̻̻̩̠̯̽ ̩̟̹̙̊˞̴̻̪̟̈̃tʜ̹̠̰̽̽̽ẽ Sokol even managed to place a fat load of antimatter in the A̞ʊ̚ˡ˞̴̰̯̯̤̯̯̺̪̪̽̃ˑ̪̙̹x̟̟̟̟̟̟̟̟̟̟̟̟̟̟̽̽̽̽̽̽̽̽̽̽̽̽̽̽̽̽̽̽̽̽ɛ̩̤̤̰̼̹̬̞̃̊̈si̽α̝̞̙̚ɲ̽ flagship. Sadly she got away, faking a big explosion to move out. Not bad, but I guess they got the idea of what happens if they dare to stand in my way.
You do know what I demand. As soon as I have the influence on the corsair fleets, I can make sure you can peacefully drink ẙ̤o̯̯̽̃ṳ̰̰̼̽r̻̊̊̊̈ ̺ˠ̚ˡ˞t̤̤̤̤̯̩̠̜̹̬̊̈̈̈̈̽̃̽̈̊̽e̟̬ʰ̘̙̟̺a̩̟̹̻˞˞̴̽̈ or fight Gallia. Until then, I need to prove my worthiness to Beltran and Ladron. Either by ensuring your ships will spend more time at Southampton than on patrols or by, well, our little stunt.
Your choice, my love. I crave for the day of you being on my ship.
Izay Hall
Bretonian Corsair Forces
Open f̺o̻̻̩̯̽r̃̃̃̃̃̃̽̽̈˞̴̴̴̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̰̪ ̚R̹̜̠̊̽̽ẽ̽pl̃̈i̯̤̤̤ḛ̼s̴̞̞̞̞̙̜̟̠̩̻̺̪̜̹̬̥̥̝̘̠̬̬̠̩̯̤̰̩̊̈̽˞˞
M̺̙̜̙̘̞̬̜̠̩̯̤̤̼̰̪̹̯̼̙̙̟̯̰̩̜̞̝̹̯̤̟̘̞̝̥̟̩̃̽̈̊̈̽̃̽̈̽̃̽̃̽̃̽̽̈̊̈̊̈̽̈̊̈̽̃̽̈̊̃̈̊̈̊ɜ̙̙̹̬̞̥̹̩̤̟̞̝̙̤̚˞̴̰̈̈̊̽s̩̠̜̜̙̯˞s̯ɶ̴̰̠̹g̥e ̜C̠̹̘̻̊̽˞ɭ̼̃̽̽̈̃a̴̰šs: Textual
Encryption: Hall's Fruit
To: Admiral Sir George Richard Hall
From: Izay H̯̩̜̊ä̻̻̻̪̬̥̥̬̹̟̟̠̩̈̽̃l̠̯̤̠̹̈̽l̃, CNS Sokol
did you really think you could make me wait all the time? I told you to inform your friends, your allies. Not to take a vacation in the meanti̺më̩̩.̴˞ ̈˞̴̼̰̃I̺̙̚'ˡ̘̞̬˞ˡ̴̝̠̩̚m̩̻̻̻̻̻̺̩̠̠ ̩ä̘̬̽̽ ̃b̽̽̈ã̈̊̊̊ẗtleship captain, and the Corsairs know I am operating in this area. So they hire me. How do you think it would look like if I deny them that? Not good for my reputation. So you better get your bum into action, my love. Make sure someone else can command your wreck in the mean̠ti̊mɚ̴̪̺˞̰̃.˞̴̰̃ ̰̃T̴̰̙̘̩̩̩̠̩̙̞̥̜̜̠̃h̩̩̩̩̩̩̠̠̺̜̠̩̩̻̩̠̟̬̬̬̬̠̩̻̠̟̞̤̰e̯̠̜̜̜̘̘̞̠̩̯̻̟̘̼̤̊̊̽̃̚ ̤̹̹̙S̜̹̘̘o̞̬ⁿˤˤ̪̪̪̜̜̜̟k̩̯̰̽̊̽̃o̽̊̊l̃̃ ̴̰̽˞i˞s˞̯̈ å̻̊̊̊̊̈̽̃̽̈l̽̈most ready again.
Send me to time and the exact coordinates to extract you. No tricks. Everything will be like we planned it. You have my word as your wife, my love.
Also, if you could stop switching your encryptions, my messages would look way better.
Izay Hall
Admiral's Wife
Breto̻̊ni̝̚æ̩̯̜̘̊̈̽̃n˞̴ ˞̴C̯̯̠̠̤̰̺̪̹̤̰̊̈̃̽̽̈̊̈̽̽̃̃̽̽̽̈̊̽̃̽̈̊̊̈̽̊̈̽̊̈̃̊̈̃̽̈ö̜̬̬̬̥̟̩̤̰̘̞̞̪̺̬̬̥̬̥̙̺̩̤̰̊ˡ˞̴̻̺̩̤̠̟̯̊̽̽̈ǀ̻̪̏rs̴̪̘̹̩̈̽̽˞ä̻̪̹̘̘̟̠̠̽̃̈i̠̜̠ʁ̟̩̯̊̊ F̠̙̝̯̤̈̽o̻rces
Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Passion Fruit
To: Izay Vyu, CNS Sokol
From: Admiral Sir George Richard Hall, BAF
Miss Vyu,
I am waiting, too. I am still waiting for the Admiral of the Fleet to give me the green light. Unless you know how to hurry her, we will both have to wait some time longer.
In the meantime, it would be good if you stopped calling yourself my spouse. It may become your habit, and if you let it slip in public, it will be a huge, catastrophic, entirely unneeded scandal for both of us. Also, it was you who started changing the encryption.