Ugh... okay I hit another snag with my model. Or two.
Is it just me or is Milkshape one hell of a frustraiting problem to use? Every time I select a face to make a new hardpoint, it doesn't just select the face I want, it selects all the ones around it and the ones behind it, too. Anyway to stop this, and only select just the one face, or do I have to live with it?
Second problem is this.
' Wrote:If you are updating existing ships/make new versions of Discovery ships, you should check each hardpoint to match the old ship exactly (including letter cases).
This can be done by creating two merged screenshots of hardpoint list in HardCMP, like in this example:
and sending this screenshot with your ship (idea by Doom). Order of hardpoints can be different in two lists, but number of hardpoints and names must match exactly.
Mismatches will result in serverside errors that we'll be able to fix only by player wipe (or keeping old ship instead of renewed one). Check your work before submitting!
Meaning I can only create one engine for my Greyhound model, when the model actually has two. So there is no possible way to add a second engine hardpoint without a playerwipe? Or can I get away with it?
I can always edit the model to have only one engine.. but that's not preferable.
you can add one more engine...but people will need to rebuy the ship (acctualy they will need to sell old one, buy something else, and then buy greyhound again...failing to do that in that order will result in kicking them of server for cheating and losing money that payed for new greyhound)...and for replacements it is always better to have same make just one engine if possible...
I want to start modeling and making ships, however i've never done anything of the sort and don't even know what programs to look for that will allow me to do my work. Hehe anyone who wants to give me a few links or a list of what programs to get, it'd be appreciated
[5:57:11 PM] InfernalTater (Lewis) [Formerly TLI-Inferno]:meanwhile, Aces 'I don't always miss my destinations, but when I do, I'm on the other side of house space.'
Okay, I need help with texturing in milkshape. All of my old techniques are not working with my new Greyhound model. Unlike the last model, which was built up of a bunch of shapes, this model is built up pretty much entirely of one shape, and a bunch of parts welded onto the main shape.
The problem I'm having is that milkshape only assigns textures to shapes, not faces, so so far I have only been able to apply one texture to my model, when I actually need like 3 or 4.
Short of merging all the textures into one file, how can I get around this problem?
And, to anyone from the dev team who is 'in the know'. Am I too late for this model to make it into the next version?