Of course, we keep to our promises, it would illogical of us to abandon sense. We have local survey probes in the area that can redirected to that task. Is it possible for specifications of what we're looking for? We have archives of previous collaborative surveys - which unfortunately made it to some Maltese news outlets. Is there any data on what we are looking for? Or shall we excavate the site?
If you require emergency recovery, you may approach the Citadel. We ask of you to bare in mind that Humans are not quite ... as open minded nor forgiving, so try to do it out of their sight.
Date: 29.05.828 A.S. Location: The Ark From: The Nymph To: The Bird
We are interested in what was surveyed and recovered earlier. This is important in the current circumstances. Your loyalty will be rewarded, but are you satisfied with your current situation? Not counting the rest of your organization, you are considered worthy for the Ascension. Have you thought about it?
Date: 29.05.828 A.S. Location: The Ark From: The Nymph To: The Bird
The process you call infestation. This is a very crude term and not always correct. We call it Ascension or symbiosis, as many were not forced into it. It was their deliberate choice.
To what benefit? We are incompatible, I have embraced our technological ascension and committed loyalty to the Technocracy. Not only such, I am too petty to allow the Order to be right. However. There was the additional ... mind related decay that one of your species inflicted upon me years ago, but no matter, the inevitable cannot be postponed.
Regarding the material request. Samples from Knossos; well... You will need to specify what is required. We have gathered many samples and stocks: Exterior plating samples, interior crystals, some Azurite A6 samples, damaged biocrystals, "xesmum" geological samples, as well as some artifacts ...
Date: 29.05.828 A.S. Location: The Ark From: The Nymph To: The Bird
Artifacts and crystals. Our group needs to inspect and, if possible, sort them out. Of course, if you allow our group to visit the Citadel and actually your laboratories where it contained.
For what purpose and what do you seek? Research has been committed to the materials, majority of which is relevant to the collaborative project - the gates, as well as our personal projects to provide insight to our technology. We may grant you access, but note that it is under guard and observation to thwart any spontaneous outsider operations - such as another Order harassment operation. The site you seek will be planetside, you will be escorted there safely, but you will need to utilize our atmospheric shuttles for the safest route. As you understand, there is no space elevator for the Planet.
Date: 29.05.828 A.S. Location: The Ark From: The Nymph To: The Bird
Your terms are acceptable. As for the specific goal, I cannot answer you. Perhaps Melia will say more directly. I can only say that our future offspring depends on this, mostly the grow of our warforms.
If you require to take it, we will need something great in return, namely of technological knowledge. It is our imperative to learn, to understand, to create knowledge and to ultimately evolve as custodians. We do not care if you have vengeance to undertake against Humanity, we hold no moral high ground. But if you intend on putting every sentient species to extinction - including your brothers and yourselves, there is a conflict of ideology there.
To take the artifacts of interest would put a great indent on our Gatekeeper projects, our harvester, our Eradicator blueprint, our shield theories, and most importantly, the project Melia had agreed upon - the Triumvirate Gate Network.
It would be of great interests to us both if there was compensation of knowledge - perhaps a full insight into the jumping technology you have studied, especially when the Order's spotlight is already upon us. If they continue and our sterile environment is compromised, understand that they will have an easier time tracing you down. You may as well know one of our contingencies now that you have approached us with the desires and experiments: It is to jump the entire world into a calculated position. Hence the probes. They seek areas for the experimentation.
We can help you, but you must help us to help yourself. Provide us research to help protect us in fending off the aggressors that seek your trail, and you can take the samples. In doing so, we are able to provide future support to your operations. We cannot if we are chained down by limitations and an overwhelming force that awaits for us. I hope you understand why we cannot relinquish it immediately?
Date: 29.05.828 A.S. Location: The Ark From: The Nymph To: The Bird
We understand you perfectly. Perhaps even better than anyone else. We do not care about the destruction of Humanity. This is not rational. Pacification is more likely. The fate of monsters like Xenophages or the Order, however, is a foregone conclusion. Their cries in the righteous fire of our revenge will be the edification of everyone else.
As for knowledge sharing... Isn't it already involved? I think as we collaborate, we will be able to achieve joint high discoveries.
However, we cannot offer you something meaningful here and now. We simply have nothing to offer. However, our research team will be very enthusiastic to assist you in your projects, expecting help in ours, in return. You understand that we are talking about the "human" part of the Vagrants. With that, collaboration is much easier than ever before.