It's good to know that Deep Space Engineering is thoroughly looking to solve this problem and make sure such incident never takes place again. I am pleased to know that Mr. Burke's work was rewarded as it's evident that he went out of his way to make sure this contract would be finalized the soonest possible.
Baltimore Shipyard is a fine location for a meeting. The Akhetaten usually rests at Norfolk Shipyard, rendering Baltimore one of the closest places to travel to, being only a single lane-jump away. I can meet you at the shipyard, I am however unable to provide you with a time of our meeting beforehand - you should be well aware that a situation needing my attention could occur at any given time. In any case, if that is an issue, Deputy Director, I am sure the Akhetaten's second in command, Commander Elizabeth Burns, would be more than willing to be present at Baltimore on my behalf.