Sender:Miyazaki Rin Recipient:Commercio Fantasma Subject:Deliveries
Konnichiwa Chenzo-san,
More industrial hardware has been delivered to Commercio Fantasma by the GC-Fuyuzora.
25,515 units to be precise. With the cargo of Matsumoto-san and Suzuki-san, you should have enough to complete the construction in regard to the Industrial Hardware. Suzuki Himari will report her cargo shortly.
Sisters, Matsumoto Hotaru, Miyazaki Rin and Sister Suzuki Himari.
Please forgive the delay in my response, I've been busy in Rheinland....
Suzuki Himari, I don't believe we have met before, so thankyou especially for making deliveries for somebody you have not met with.
All three of you are having funds wired to you now.
Matsumoto Hotaru, a 28 million bonus has been wired to callsign GC-Kumo.
Miyazaki Rin, a 49 million bonus has been wired to GC-Fuyuzora.
Suzuki Himari, a 35 million bonus has been sent to callsign GC-Kuzuri
Sister Miyazaki Rin, the crew of the Dominus report that basic training is complete. The Dominus will stand by waiting to begin the journey to Alpha to begin the much more in depth combat training.