' Wrote:First: How can you (GRN) be hostile to someone you do not even know and who is shipping some good your people are mad about?
Second: The GRN has to be hostile toward the Junkers because they are spying on Gallia.
Third: There are no Zoner powertraders, in fact there is no more power trading at all. If you do not supply Zoner installations as Zoner trader you are just oorp. If you are transporting zoners supplies or somehow supporting your faction why are you jumping on them?
Forth: You are just jealous because you do not understand the zoner's way and why we are sexy because of it.
Fifth: 23
First: The entire reason that the council is fighting the GRN is because the GRN wants to go to war with all of Sirius, that includes the Zoners.
Second: I think you're got that backwards, the Junkers are spying for Gallia.
Third: The Zoners that run supply to or from a Zoner base aren't the problem, its the ones that don't go to Zoner bases that are.
Fourth: Unless I'm mistaken, Zoners formed because they were tired of life in the Houses and wanted to get as far away from them as possible, several vanilla Freeport infocards support this.
Gallia is an empty boring shadow of the discovery server. Why? Its seperated from everything and despite its beauty of technology, noone wants to live there since they cant leave with their gains.
Problem 2
Zoner power traders hiding behind the fact they are Zoners and saying things like "you cant pirate me Im a zoner"
We can have a RP thing where a high up zoner went to gallia and insulted (greatly) them. Then we can have gallia pay their little mercinaries to ravage zoners accross sirius.
Gallic Faction populations increase.
People can go in/out of gallia for this RP.
Zoner powertraders not are no longer demigods.
Everyone wins.
Courtesy of ICHS to PHP-Post Conversion:
[7:38:16 PM] Raisu: No....Words...
[7:38:22 PM] Raisu: Should...have sent.... a poet
[7:38:35 PM] Raisu: To describe how rediculously epic fail that is
[7:38:50 PM] Raisu: ICHS anyone?
[7:39:00 PM] Raisu: family guy references for failure win
masternerdguy, Instead of having said Zoners leave Gallia for Royalists to post bounties for non-Gallic Mercs to go after (Something that wouldnt happen to begin with.....)
Have said Zoners remain in Gallia, and as a Gallic Lawful, post a bounty on them for Gallic Bounty Hunters see my Character Status Page - Marcel Touvier IV to collect on
masternerdguy.... please stop making threads like this. they are pointless. everything that you suggest would ether be, A, too much trouble to implement. or B. stupid.
' Wrote:<span style="font-family:Century Gothic">Violence is Golden</span>
' Wrote:First: How can you (GRN) be hostile to someone you do not even know and who is shipping some good your people are mad about?
Are you that thickheaded? GRN hates ALL OF SIRIUS. If the Zoners were neutral, it'd be like the swiss claiming neutrality when the martians invade.
Second: The GRN has to be hostile toward the Junkers because they are spying on Gallia. No, we don't have to be because you say so. If you actualy use that bit of brain in your skull you'd see that the Junkers in gallia are information dealers and dealers of other things, working for all sides, needed by all, nescecary evil. Think Shadow Borker in Mass effect
Third: There are no Zoner powertraders, in fact there is no more power trading at all. If you do not supply Zoner installations as Zoner trader you are just oorp. If you are transporting zoners supplies or somehow supporting your faction why are you jumping on them? The first line in here is crap on its own. One word : Olol
Forth: You are just jealous because you do not understand the zoner's way and why we are sexy because of it. Well, if people call you sexy...No thanks.
Im really pissed of when people thinks Zoners are protected and they cant have enemies. Well ive got newfresh for ya. Zoners are Kos on Gallic list. Get use to it.
Carnage itself flying within void... Proud cardihead ever since 2008...
You all gonna eat cardi!