Ah here's the thread....
GMG| will be working on a faction setup as well. Being company owned ships within a close knit organization a common flavour will be placed. I think many of the lawful factions would maintain common setups amongst their ships with rank denoters as the minor differences amongst them. Those more tightly organized any way, I guess the same can be said with some of the unlawful factions as well. Fun addition.
Well, persnally as a LPI, if I someone with a kind of lights he shouldnt be having, like let say, Navy with police lights, I am going to fine you, even if no law exist.
' Wrote:People need to learn to use this reasonably. Orange strobe lights on a DSE repair ship? Yes. Flashing red and blue lights on a LPI SWAT bomber? You bet. Liberty Navy battlecruiser with every type of light? No.
The second one is pretty much how I pimped my LN Siege cruiser. Red, white and blue for Liberty.
On my tridente i have found a really great look for it.. I changed the 26 small white lights for 26 small orange, it dosent flash or be seen for 20 k but it more suits an Outcast ship now.
The SCRA has gone with a standardised colour scheme, with members of the High Command doing whatever they feel they want. Squadrons and wings have different coulors on the tips of the wings. Once we replace the current ships, we'll be adding different lights for rank as well, but that's going to be a while coming.
Jack Handey Wrote:I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.
Currently, we Red Barons are implementing minor light changes as rewards for obtaining certain medals. All light changes we're permitting right now are historical references of one sort or another - to World War I airplane markings, for example, or to traditional heraldry.
Engines will not be modified across all ships, for the roleplay reasons given in this thread.