I have to agree with kiggles, rising up prices will only result in people making more boring trade runs thus spending more time away from their RP characters. I wish there was any other way for a good income, but unfortunately only trading seems to be an option. I would rather take missions if they were worth the price.
That is true but if trading was not such a requirement to make some money then people might actualy do some runs for an RP reason.
I personaly used to love trading when I first started playing freelancer but I can't stand it anymore as you gets repetative.
I've been mildly miffed by one-shot weapons since their implementation, oh so long ago. I remember the days when fights were a matter of who could aim better, rather than who could aim a single shot. - Virus
hhmmmm did someone say player wipe ... i hate those things ...
I think the ship prises are fine the way they tbh, maybe make them around 500 mill (shouldn't need a player wipe for that) but any more than that is crazy imo, as it is now you still have to trade for ages to get one, you have to remember that with equipment the battleship does cost around 550 mill, which is fair, and i don't see the cap ship whores is to bad here, as long as theres factions like TBH and GoR (and allot of the other faction), who restrict such things anyway.
All that needs to be done is the factions should be more strict when it comes to how meny caps are allowed on the field at one time.
' Wrote:Trading isn't that bad. The key is not to always fly the same route. Half the fun is finding new ones.
Yeah, but you expect to trade throughout the whole game. Then what happens after I get my cap ship? More trading? There should be more options. I wish there would be certain players who would give out assignments.
That hasn't happened in years, and was one of the reasons of the decline and the fall of virtually all the mercenary and BHG factions, save for the Asgard Warriors and the Shadow Stalkers Organization.
Most traders are hell of greedy. They want all the money they can get and the fastest possible. They don't care about escorts, and every time they are pirated they F1 out, insult, flame, etc.
I tend to punish severely to that kind of people, because they ruin the game experience.
Instead of violating the rules and bitching about being pirated, they could RP a bit more and hire 1-2 players for escorting duties.
That way, its much funnier... for both sides, and the game experience is enriched. Also gives everybody more to do. Even to pirates, who will have to team up, or find new ways to pirate successfully.
Trading is too damn easy nowadays. Last time I traded, I could read a book, or minimize the game and navigate the Inet while my ships went through the trade route.
The only time I had to look at the game was during selling and buying operations, and during the jumps. All the rest was done by the auto pilot.
I always thought that trading should be quite hard. A hell of a danger for a hell of a profit, after all...
Also, there should be other ways to get money, like mining, doing missions, fulfilling contracts with other players, etc...
As it is now, the only way to make good cash is by trading all the day straight up..
(If you find any mistake in my English, please let me know via a PM)
(Really, I speak terrible English, so please, tell me if I make mistakes. I'd like to improve it a bit )
Right Korrd. But I see no logic in making the price of a bs 2 bills. 2 bills = countless hours of trading. Give ppl more options, like very hard missions, for a 50 mills rewards, against some NPC fleets fully kitted. That would force players to team up, improve their skills, and ultimately, improve RP. That, would be fun. And not crazy. If you play unmodded Freelancer, you can see that an average trade route doesn't give you more than 400k profit. But, for the same cash, you can choose to fight, by completing missions from Outcasts or Corsairs.
I personally vote for an increase of the power for capships their prices with some 100-150 mills (for bs), and reintroduction of ammo-based torpedoes (i hate novas), also the increase of the torpedoes capacity to more than 70.
' Wrote:I personally vote for an increase of the power for capships their prices with some 100-150 mills (for bs), and reintroduction of ammo-based torpedoes (i hate novas), also the increase of the torpedoes capacity to more than 70.
I've been thinking about re-introduction of ammo-based novas too.
The novas were made rockets because the BS missile immunity problem.
Most battleships were mostly immune to torpedoes, with small vulnerable areas only.
A skilled BS pilot could perform special maneuvers in order to avoid most of the damage of the novas. On that era, BS fights were more than just 'The guy with the most armor and guns wins'. You had to maneuver, and do a lot of tricks to win against bombers, fighters and other BS's.
In fact, bombers are too powerful now because they can't run out of ammunition.
Re-introducing the "mk II novas" would be a good idea.
Mk2 novas is a fancy name i gave them to distinguish them from the original. The 2nd incarnation of the novas were faster (around 100m/s of speed), and had a blast radius of 200m, which was enough to minimize the BS missile immunity problem.
They were made into energy weps on their 3rd incarnation to completely remove the immunity problem, and to avoid them from being used as uber fighter weapons.
But now, that a CD is very effective against torps, the uber fighter problem is no longer present. And as they are too overpowered against BS's (read, unlimited ammo), they should be made back into ammo based weapons. But with no increase on ammo capacity. 70 torps is enough already.
4th incarnation of the novas should be made again missile weapons instead of energy guns.
(If you find any mistake in my English, please let me know via a PM)
(Really, I speak terrible English, so please, tell me if I make mistakes. I'd like to improve it a bit )