Executive Commander: Denelo Mori
Ships: (All ships listed in his sig)
Grand Admiral: Mista Shoultz
Ships: Vulture, Vulture of Death, Setting Sun
(Now there are 2 fleets and in charge of each fleet there is a fleet Admiral, And in each fleet we have two Fleet Commanders)
Vespucci/Liberty Force:
Fleet Admiral: Lotka
Fleet Commander: Legeonation (Battleship Vircruz, also legeo is now promoted)
Captain: BestFlyerhere (Battleship Peacemaker, Jack Kaine, Devastator, Steve McCloud, Conflagration)
Major: Equinox (More information required)
Major: Archelon (Taiidan Bomber)
Major: Jonas Xiamon
Pilot: Corax
Pilot: Dopamino
Pilot: Alex Black
Omicron Fleet:
Fleet Admiral: Epyon The Bored (Rahkshi)
Fleet Commander: Legeonation (Iron Crucifix)
Captain: Puck (Tranche, Puck) (Promoted)
Major: Equinox
Lieutenant: Duke Nukem (Daniel Nance)
Pilot: Ac Merc (Ac Slayer)
Pilot: Frozen
Pilot: Stratos
(All ships in this fleet are to be stationed at Freeport 9 or Corfu Base in Omicron Theta)
Chugoku/Tau63 strike group:
This is a task force not a fleet
Tank Target (Commander) Battleship Incursus
Epyon The Bored, Perihelion
Denelo (Whatever ships he wants to use)
BestFlyerhere, Atlas, Renegade, Kira Bliss
Lotka (On his newly constructed cruiser and gunboat)
(I will be adding more people to this fleet at some point. And we need more combat....)
(This fleet is awaiting further troops to fill the ranks, for the record if your char is not in a fleet then whatever fleet is online is the fleet you are a part of until that fleet logs off or changes fleets.)
Okay I am revising things, all high command members are no longer in a fleet. This keeps their ships flexible and keeps the rank structure making more sense.
Also, we need to start discussions about what to do. Because to keep people active we need a constant enemy. And it's hard because the SF and SA are not very active anymore or at least when HF log on. And the BSG are fighting the Nova pg so much they have little interest in us...
Comm id: Mark Foster (Onboard the Lib Gunboat Eclipse)
To: HF Command
The HFGB-Eclipse has been moved back to Vespucci in light of recent orders, i have to say things are very quite on this front (Not seen any action in ages).
Fleet Admiral Dvorak reporting in...interesting times. The bloody Corsairs are hotter than ever down here. The Thick-as-a-Brick should be complete within a few months.
***End Transmission***
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen
If u help the bunny he wont kill u when he takes over the world.
Copy this bunny to your siggy to help him achive world domination.