Rodney walked into the chapel and pulled his shirt down to un-wrinkle it. The place was rather... old and disgusting, but it worked. He showed an ID card to the person at the door and found a place to sit down.
"Why am I here again?" he asked himself before grabbing a small bag of chips from his bulging coat pocket and opening it.
A tall and dangerous looking man armed with a hidden Pistol and a Combat Knife entered the chapel. He gave his faked ID and was searched however the man was experienced and the rather lazy security officer never found his weapons. Joseph "Taipan" Wolf entered the Chapel and sat down in a quiet corner.
Taipan wondered to himself "I sure as hell hope this is more amusing then the space gathering"
Malaclypse walked over to the gentleman who had just entered, remembering his ship from the "reception" earlier above the planet.
"Pardon me, sir. It seems our hired help is a bit 'lax' today. But, see that little spinning titanium globe in the corner up there?"
Mal gestured upwards to a pearlescent sphere hovering near the ceiling. "That sir, is Sophie Noir, on of our TAZ Fnordettes. She sees in spectrums you can't even imagine; and she has 'seen' something rather disturbing.
"This is an open gathering, and you are welcome to stay, sir. But, I'll take both those concealed weapons you're carrying. They will be returned when you leave the Chapel."
Mal smiled softly to the Xeno pilot as he held his hand out. The guest hesitated briefly, then surrended his weapons to the Episkopos with a wondering shake of his head.
"Thank you, sir. I'll tag these for you, 'Taipan'. Now, sit back and enjoy the music until the Ceremony begins, eh? They're playing one of my favorite Hispanic love songs. It's calle 'Amor Amor'. "
Brakelatabasaasta was glad to see so many people showing up to his wedding. After seeing the turn-out at the pre-ceremony get-together thing, his hopes for a large congregation had dwindled.
But there were a good number of people filing in through the door now, and Brakelatabasaasta wanted to go meet them. Brakelatabasaasta started to the door of the dressing room, but a hand on his shoulder stopped him. Tim's hand. "Not yet, Brake. You don't go out until the ceremony begins, and you shouldn't mingle with the guests until the reception."
"But what about that guy?" Brakelatabasaasta asked. "The guy who was all 'mneh mneh mneh dirty unsanitary unsafe smugness mneh'?"
"He's... an exception." said Tim. "I don't know. You shouldn't have been out in the main area during that time, anyway. Just stay here for now. Let the guests talk amongst themselves; you've got a lot to prepare for!"
Brakelatabasaasta turned and sat down in the nearest chair. "Oh, okay then," he said dejectedly. "I'll just sit here and... read a book or something."
Brakelatabasaasta picked up a copy of the Webster's Dictionary, turned to a random page, and began to read. Meanwhile, the guests kept coming...
"Good afternoon, Mal. Diederick Grave." The man smiled as he approached the front of the 'church.' His face had a few scars on one side, and he spoke in a soft Rheinland accent. "I believe we've met, but you probably knew my predecessor better, one Julius Kane..." He said, pausing for a moment to look at the sun, "but I'd appreciate it if you were to keep it to yourself if you happen to remember where you know us from..."
Austin pushed through the chapel doors calmly and looking a bit content in his formal attire.
Amusingly enough for him he didn't even know this man but came across the communications signal and decided it would be something to do while he was waiting for his team to get back together. So he was also one of the most wanted fugitives in this part of Sirius, as far as any Bretonian was concerned. Hopefully his presence at a simple wedding wouldn't stir up anything huge.
"Here for the wedding?" A gently hand landed on Austin's shoulder, which nearly made him turn around to snap the persons hand off.
"Yeah." Austin replied stopping and turning half way towards the person. "I think I know where the reception hall is as well so I don't need any help. Chap."
The person had nodded and scurried away quickly. Austin gave a light chuckle and began to mill around the place, taking note of the odd amount of guests, and some people he thought he knew, if he knew any of them.
An interesting gathering indeed, thought Mal, as he retired to the rear dressing rooms to put on his Official Discordian Robes.
Julius Kane's predecessor, of all people. Now there's an interesting one to slip by Manhattan's Port Security.
Mal and Reggie had shared a rather harrowing adventure with Julius Kane, some years ago in Omega 49. While the man was almost universally feared, and equally mysterious, a sort of rapport had grown between them. Since that time, Mal had lost contact with the man's organization; but there still seemed to be a lingering respect and neutrality between the TAZ and.. the others.
He would have to speak with this Mr. Graves after the Ceremony. Just to touch base, and see if the unspoken agreement between the two groups existed.
Mal then noticed this Cabulb fellow peering into the corners of the Chapel, and busily pecking away at a small handheld datapad. He seemed very diligent in his work. Either that, or he was just looking for an excuse to interrupt the happy occassion with his bureaucratic "powers". Mal walked towards the man.
"Mr. Cabulb, I am Malaclypse, the Minister for these joyful ceremonies. That's an interesting datapad you have sir. May I see it a moment?"
The Cryer bigwig seemed taken aback for a moment, but eventually handed the datapad to Mal. Mal spent a moment studying the interface. "There seems to be an item you missed here, sir. If I may?
Mal made a few quick entries, then placed his thumb on the unit's sensor pad, and handed it back to the confused Official. "There, I believe that does it!"
Mal watched in amusement as the Cryer Official saw the transfer of 25 Million credits to his personal acount, and stood speechless. He then shoved the datapad quickly in his pocket, and walked unsteadily towards the wet bar.
Mal continued on the dressing rooms in the rear, musing to himself that he still knew how to Move Mountains when the situaton required it.
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A rather ruffled, but not dirty, looking man entered through the chapel doors. He seemed in good spirits, although perhaps in desperate need of a comb. His clothes smelled highly of synthetic marijuana, and he carried an incredibly oversized sheath knife, which he was quite obviously not happy to lose to the security guard at the door. "Eyyyy, ah'm nawt late ter the party am I? Sawry I couldn't make it ter them space gatherins, but business is business, y'know," he said loudly to whoever happened to be standing near him. He walked up to the closest person, which happened to be Mal. "Some dekkurations, eh?" He chuckled a bit. "Laibach's m'name, an' who are you an' that's a real nice outfit there, mate."
In a matter of moments, a silvery dust fell through an open window. It resolved itself into the form of a black coated woman, who smiled at everything she saw. It was a happy event, and that happiness should never be tainted, which is why she was adamant to stay alert, and make sure nothing happened to taint said happiness.
A million dollars isn't cool. You know what is cool? A basilisk.
' Wrote:"Laibach's m'name, an' who are you an' that's a real nice outfit there, mate."
Mal felt mildy obliged to assuage the frumpy man's curiosity, but had no intentions of prosyletizing at this event.
"Mr. eh.. Laibach, I am the Episkopos and Head Prophet of a private religious sect known as the TAZ. You'll find our Catmachism and history on the Neural Net, if you really care to know."
His attention wandered immediately to a much more interesting arrival. He excused himself from the miasmic cloud surrounding Libach, and approached the black-coated figure.
"By Eris, you are a stunning creature, Madame Vixen. I have been following your travails with great interest, and I must ask you one question. Why do you continue to remain here in this cesspit of Liberty? It would seem that with your talents, and your stunning beauty, you would be welcome in a number of more palatable places!"