the LABC is, well, crap at pretty much everything.
Why are you pushing on LABC so hard:nono:? Is it because you bought it and put 3 LMs, BRs, cerbs(WTFPWNOTHERCAPSINONEHITZIFMISSAMENSETUP) and you couldn't hit crap? Well I just guess and it's your own opinion.
I think it's a great ship if you put a good loadout and master it. Then it can even kill unexperienced BSs.
And holy truth about gunboats(only pro pilots). Only one bottle can pwn it in hmmmm...30mins(i saw it with my own eyes).
Bombers can be dangerous but they're dead if get too close.
' Wrote:Both are useful really only against capital ships.
Siege has thruster, LABC has core and 2 BS guns.
Both get owned by GB / Small swarm.
Imo siege is better, no reason tho.
I have used my Siege to kill GB's with ease. LABC is a POS. Siege as stated above in pairs will kill any BS in game. It's weakness is other cruiser's,and Bombers.
An LABC that takes full advantage of its cruiser missiles and strafing ability can keep most siege cruisers off at a distance while dodging long ranged mortar and forward gun potshots - since that tactic invalidates kiting, the cruiser will either be forced to run for backup or try a head on charge - the head on charge, since the BS turrets cover most angles, and the core of the LABC is good enough for sustained mortar fire, should end with the SC being overpowered.