What I'm wondering is if the Benitez and/or TBH would like any other supplies? Optronics, SuperAlloy, Engine Components, HFuel, etc. Food is important, but the Adler.Jung would be willing to take these contracts as well.
I better watch it, I'll be put on watch lists. Can't afford that, the Artifacts are way too valuable.
Comm ID: Elder Lucendez
To: Adler Jung
ID Trace: Planet Crete, Omicron Gamma
I've already succeeded in arranging for shipments of H-fuel, although you're welcome to ship some independently. Gold is also needed, but with more raids against the Mollies in Bretonia, that should be soon fixed. Superalloys are currently in demand, as are Engine Components.
Food and water are always welcome on Crete or any other Corsair base. I will repeat what Carlos pointed out, that Crete is not a vacation planet, and the Brotherhood and Benitez stand together on this issue.
Thank you for your support and business.
Lucendez out.
//Transmission Terminated.
"The thirteen saloons that had lined the one street of Seney had not left a trace. The foundations of the Mansion House hotel stuck up above the ground. The stone was chipped and split by the fire. It was all that was left of the town of Seney. Even the surface had been burned off the ground.
Nick looked at the burned-over stretch of hillside, where he had expected to find the scattered houses of the town and then walked down the railroad track to the bridge over the river. The river was there."
Incoming transmission
Comm ID: Praetor Zavier, Acting Commandante of the Benitez Familia
I have just completed several supplyshipments to Crete totalling 54100 tonnes of food.
This will hopefully halt the starvation for at least a week--But more supplies are requested, as even this amount will soon run dry.
Acting Commandante Zavier out.
"Freelancer Alpha dash niner, this is Freeport 7 control, You are cleared for departure. Good luck out there."
Soldato Zavier Benitez, Benitez flight instructor.
Comm ID - Ben Laowai, Pilot. [Titan reg id: Old_Laowai]
I have just sent a message out to a certain trader who owes me, he has been running water shipments of 5000 tonnes semi regularly, i have told him to bring food and water. He will give his ID and my reference when requested in system... silly fool doesn't want his name on open channel.
Greetings, I am a Zoner trader registered with the Zoner Council and I am quite happy to run food and water shipments out to Planet Crete, but I was wondering what other supplies are also required? I have in the past also brought in construction machinery and pharmaceuticals.
I just thought I would inquire, and I am free to ship in further supplies of food and water if required. I myself have children and the thought of children starving to death does not bode well. I am sure many others feel the same way.
I have told Caedes that I would deliver a total of at least fifty thousand tonnes of various supplies to Planet Crete and Tripoli shipyard. I will co-operate fully with the Corsair security.