Just got back from my vacations..
First thing i find? Lot of business.
And babeh, business is a-booming.
Or rather. Boomed well.
A Hessian Vidar and an Odin. Right smack outside Bautzen.
I smacked the fighter with some anti-matter, and then just shredded the Vidar, little by little until the Military showed up.
You have been paid the agreed amounts, apologies for the slight delay in the payment.
Silver Reaver you have been given the 12 million you requested in your last transmission, as an incentive and an award for your great job.
[font=Book Antiqua]Guten tag. Name's Troy. Troy O'Neill. I'm a part of Bounty Hunters Guild, so, going to do some business in ye region for some time. Got a nice start for now.
Guten Morgen. I must say that what happened yesterday in Omega-11 was something that I could not anticipate. Long range scans indicated only a single Red Hessian ship conducting illegal mining operation. However, after checking half of the mining field I was intercepted by two Red Hessian cruisers supported by a fighter. Using rocks as a cover I was trying to reach Dresden jumphole, when additional Hessian battleship, bomber and fighter joined the pursue. Fortunately, despite sustaining serious damage, I was able to jump to Dresden and reach Battleship Altenburg. Automated defenses forced hostile capital ships to retreat. I decided to fight remaining bomber and two fighters with my crippled gunboat. Fortunately I was able to take down the bomber quite fast. Remaining fighters were no longer a threat. However, they stalled the fight until reinforcements in form of another fighter and gunship arrived. This was a little too much, so I finally retreated to the battleship. In the heat of battle I forgot to take an identification guncam of the bomber. Therefore, it is up to you whether to pay for this kill or not. But let me get to the point. We believe that to counter Red Hessians more effectively we will need to relocate some of our heavier ships to Omega-11. Therefore, we are asking for permission to use Solaris station as our mooring point and temporary base of operations.
-( Incoming Transmission
-( ●●●●●●●
-( Beaver Mercenary Company
Good day gentlemen from the Daumann, I represent a mercenary company who likes to help people take care of the problems. Apparently you have a list of problems who needs to be taken care of, and you're paying for it. We're willing to accept this job and work for you. We operate under Mercenary Identification, I could ask all operatives to show their IFF transponders if you see it really necessary.
We are glad to see your company interested in claiming our bounties.
Below you will find a copy of your license
Quote:Name: Beaver Mercenary Company.
License type: Special License. Valid From: March 8 819 A.S.
Valid until: One sides cancels the contract.
Valid in: All Daumann controlled space
- Unrestricted access to all Daumann controlled space and bases.
The license has been verified by The Board of Directors and you are now eligible to claim our bounties.
Guten Morgen. As I indicated in my last transmission we decided to move some of our heavier ships to Omega-11 as it turned out that our light gunboats cannot effectively counter swarms of Red Hessian cruisers. Two days ago when we were patrolling Omega-11 in our light gunboats when suddenly one Red Front cruiser appeared. We have called in a light destroyer to engage hostile cruiser and lure him into a trap. He definitely did not expect emergence of our battle-cruiser. Our operation attracted attention of two additional Red Hessian Army cruisers supporting a battleship. Since back then we have not yet finished moving our EDG from Taus, we had no effective response to such a force and we decided to pull back to avoid unnecessary losses.
Yesterday we were doing field maintenance of our weaponry near Solarius station in Omega-11. A battleship and a cruiser belonging Red Front decided to interrupt our exercises. Fortunately we were able get the weapons back on-line in time and destroy the hostiles. Every time we successfully engage Red Front ships, Red Hessian Army sends their retaliation. This time our gunboat patrol in Omega-3 was attacked by three hostile cruisers supported by a bomber. Obviously we pulled back at the cost of losing one gunboat. That is why we need to discuss details of our contract for EDG deployment to Omega. Please contact us in this matter using more secure channels.
Bounty targets: Red Hessian cruiser [RF]Kronstadt, Red Hessian cruiser [RF]Stierlitz, Red Hessian battleship [RF]Lexx Payment owed: 30,000,000 SC Payment receiver:EDGE|Leviathan
This character is retired. Associated forum account is disabled.
Good day gentleman. I am pleased to report my first job for your fine Corporation. I admit it, it was hard, the miner ran for Freistadt and called in a lot of patrols and my Eagle was not equipped to take on such large targets, but it seems their docks had some problems and the Hegemon remained in space for a while so I was able to get the job done.