I was assisted by an allied thresher who is famillur to the situation.
Pathology Out.
http://signavatar.com/15890_s.gif First: You've got a picture in there that's 800x286 pixels. The maximum signature size is 700x250.
Second: Your other picture in the rotation fills the full 700x250 boundaries by itself.
With an image that big, you can't fit any text below it. Please fix this.
A sane man must become insane to look sane
In an insane world.
Archer here This IMG carrier has some fast working blokes working for him.
I contacted kruger authorities This time the hessian and the IMG
carrier were bombarding the kruger mining facility and had
me pinned down. A few quick words of backup and it was considered taken care of.
http://signavatar.com/15890_s.gif First: You've got a picture in there that's 800x286 pixels. The maximum signature size is 700x250.
Second: Your other picture in the rotation fills the full 700x250 boundaries by itself.
With an image that big, you can't fit any text below it. Please fix this.
A sane man must become insane to look sane
In an insane world.
Today, we encountered 4 hostile IMG tagged ships. Stanley.H.Tweedle, Carla.Lynx, Bobby.Stone, who is already known on the board. There was a 4th hostile, but they ran so fast I couldn't get a close look at them. 1 hostile ship was destroyed with the help of Kruger and Military.
Kruger workers asked me for the help and offered me a 4 million (4.000.000) for the help. I couldn't get a clear image of the situation, but I think your workers can prove this right.
ID:[color=#FFCC33]Aufsicht Johenn Shol, Kruger Mineralien Security Department TO:Intransigent-4, Scarface-1 Subject:Payment
Guten tag! Captain of Scarface-1, check your personal account. Money should be there.
Captain of Intransigent-4, we are thankfull for your support. Like it was promised money should be on your account
Guten tag, today I went to do my regular patrol for any bounties, I saw 2 Corsair vessels pirating a Kruger miner. I called a Daumann worker to assist and the Corsairs were taken down. Unfourtunately, I was only able to recover a visual proof of the Corsair gunboat, but the other Corsair ship was controlled by artificial intelligence it seems. You can pay me the 2 million for it if you can trust on me with it. Though the 3 million for the gunboat is in order.
Direct the payment (5.000.000 or 3.000.000) to Intransigent-4
From: Intransigent-4
Subject: Outcast vessel destroyed.
Guten tag, after filling my last bounty claim, I undocked and noted an Outcast Tridente gunship next to Elbich. A Daumann bomber helped me out and the Outcast was soon destroyed into pieces.
ID:[color=#FFCC33]Aufsicht Johenn Shol, Kruger Mineralien Security Department TO:Intransigent-4 Subject:Payment
Guten tag Mein Herr, we have fully trust in you so I payed also for that one without hard proove of destruction. Check your account, money should be there
While sweeping the mining fields from "trash", I encountered a Hessian cruiser, Vidar in the fields. The military we're already tearing it down and I used my weapons to jump in. The cruiser was pretty much scrap after that.