I know a worse trick, and I'm in the mood to share.
Open trade window. Offer the demanded credits, and wait for the pirate to accept. Close the trade window.
If the pirate doesn't have sound on and doesn't know the exact amount of creds he has, he have no way to find out that he was tricked. I know it's risky, but it worked for me before.
That post also serves a reminder to pirates: Never accept the trade first if you prefer to listen to music instead of the hum of your engines.
' Wrote:I know a worse trick, and I'm in the mood to share.
Open trade window. Offer the demanded credits, and wait for the pirate to accept. Close the trade window.
If the pirate doesn't have sound on and doesn't know the exact amount of creds he has, he have no way to find out that he was tricked. I know it's risky, but it worked for me before.
That post also serves a reminder to pirates: Never accept the trade first if you prefer to listen to music instead of the hum of your engines.
Ha. I'll have to remember that one. Although if I'm honest I've never had anyone even try to pirate me since I got my cruiser.
I rarely pay pirates I encounter though. I take the whole "Never negotiate with terrorists" rather seriously.
' Wrote:I know a worse trick, and I'm in the mood to share.
Open trade window. Offer the demanded credits, and wait for the pirate to accept. Close the trade window.
If the pirate doesn't have sound on and doesn't know the exact amount of creds he has, he have no way to find out that he was tricked. I know it's risky, but it worked for me before.
That post also serves a reminder to pirates: Never accept the trade first if you prefer to listen to music instead of the hum of your engines.
Well he'll notice that the window closes before he presses accept, unless you close it miliseconds before he clicked.
' Wrote:I know a worse trick, and I'm in the mood to share.
Open trade window. Offer the demanded credits, and wait for the pirate to accept. Close the trade window.
If the pirate doesn't have sound on and doesn't know the exact amount of creds he has, he have no way to find out that he was tricked. I know it's risky, but it worked for me before.
That post also serves a reminder to pirates: Never accept the trade first if you prefer to listen to music instead of the hum of your engines.
I double-check the zeroes, I hear the KaCHINK with Hidamari's sound mod, and I double-check my credit amount after. Try me.
And whenever I'm pirating and facing a trade-window situation, I always position myself so that the second they'd start moving, I can both CD and unload all my guns on them. Never had it happen to me yet though...
' Wrote:Ha. I'll have to remember that one. Although if I'm honest I've never had anyone even try to pirate me since I got my cruiser.
I rarely pay pirates I encounter though. I take the whole "Never negotiate with terrorists" rather seriously.
Sometimes its really bettr to pay.
If they guy offers a fair price, I mostly pay after trying to haggle a bit.
If the price is too high, I run or try to kill him. If I'm not succesful, and if the price is only slitghtly to high, I pay him a bit before my hull pops.
' Wrote:I double-check the zeroes, I hear the KaCHINK with Hidamari's sound mod, and I double-check my credit amount after. Try me.
Actually 'worked for me before' should be read as 'I've been tricked that way before'. I prefer my music over any engine hum, I usually only turn sound on in the case of bomber combat.
' Wrote:Well he'll notice that the window closes before he presses accept, unless you close it miliseconds before he clicked.
The trick assumes that the pirate clicks accept before you.