' Wrote:Hello there, honorable members of the Discovery community.
I, after listening to the Inception trailer music (Mind Heist) 91 times, have had an idea. We could, as outlined in the rest of this post, make a trailer for Discovery 4.85/.86/whatever using "Mind Heist."
Now follows my outline but be warned that this entire video would probably be extremely difficult, maybe even impossible, to produce. Also, the outline may be a bit confusing, but I'll do my best to make it understandable. Basically, the trailer depicts a HUGE battle between the Liberty Navy and the Rheinland Militär in Texas. Main Part-
0:00 Three Liberty Navy Guardians (or Avengery, or both) fly through any given Radiation-Cloud-Debris-Field-Mix in Texas on a standard patrol.
<The very millisecond the first "BRRAAAWW" blasts through the loudspeakers> A missile (seemingly out of nowhere) impacts on the center Guardian, causing it to lose control and explode. The other two veer into opposite directions.
Two Wraiths appear behind the starboard (right) Guardian and start firing. *dodge, fire, dodge, dodge, fire, etc*
<At the very beginning of the "WEEEEEOOOW] Suddenly, a missile appears behind the Wraiths, hits one, and destroys it. <Impact is at the very end of the "WEEEEOOOW", aka, right at the "BRAAW]
0:54 The other Guardian reappears, stays on the surviving Wraith's tail and shoots (cockpit-view please!).
<At the point where the string instruments play a few pitches higher> (Still in the Guardians cockpit-view) The Wraith suddenly breaks out upwards, and dissappears out of the cloud.
1:05 The Guardian (still in cockpit) follows and <right at the beginning of THE EPIC PART> emerges out of the cloud into the most gigantonomous, fantastic, vast, huge, CAPSHIP BATTLE EVER! (The battle is already raging. And by BATTLE I mean: BSs in ship-to-ship close-range combat, etc)
1:07 onwards (Cockpit view is abandoned again, camera ships take over the filming) BOOM! BANG! WOOSH! Capships everywhere! Dreads, Battleships, Cruisers, Gunboats everwhere!!! HUGE FURBALL! Lots of lasers (NO mortars pl0x), missiles, etc! Some fighters dogfighting between caps, full-awesomeness!
Explosions, wrecks, and so on! WOOOT!
1:48 A Guardian (cockpit-view again) turns around (for whatever reason) and heads towards an exploding Rheinland Battleship.
1:59 The Guardian flies through the final explosion of the BS.
End Part-
<At each of the "BRRAAAAWS] #1: Black background, the word "FREELANCER" appears in big, white (metallic?) letters.
#2: "FREELANCER" zooms out and is replaced by "Discovery 4.85" or "Discovery 4.86"
#3: This is then replaced by "discoverygc.com" or "discoveryfl.com"
[color=#FF0000]Further information:
Minimum # of Caps needed to make this EPIC --> 25 (12.5 (?) for each side)
Probability of this thing even being made --> 1 : 156346297824714864581764574678
Bloom SHOULD be used to add to the awesomeness
I will not be able to do anything in this trailer, as my PC sucks MUCH to bad.
For this we would need disciplined, PATIENT players. Many of the things I wanted to say about this entire idea were forgotten while I wrote the outline up.
I hope for this projects being-done-ness however unlikely it is.
If you have any questions about the outline, either post here or PM me. And now, FEEDBACK PLEASE!
[color=#FFFFFF]Script shouldn't look like that. No timing is needed... and.. .stuffz.
Have a look at the this video. There are two set scenes in this. All the others are taken from actual in game footage, just read the in game chat.
Zoners, Hessians and Bretonians feature heavily. Watch it and see if you're in it (and while you're at it, comment on his work. He likes a bit of feedback).