<strike>The corsair tech is white for pirate IDed players according to the chart.
Doesn't this mean that Shaulanca only need permission from the council of elders to keep their Osiris, instead of making a SRP request?</strike>
EDIT: Nevermind, was just told that pirate ID can't use battleships
Most of time we RP and search for rectuits, we only go pirate when we need some fun. Our thing in game is based only on RP, we don't go and pew BAF every time we have the chance
Shaulanca as 'Corsairs' reminds me of TAZ as 'Zoners' with, of course, significant difference, but bascially the same idea to fit a religious group with its own principles to the NPC faction that encourages similiar roleplay. The problem always comes when the 'cult' wants to roleplay outside the bounds set by the NPC faction.
From what I saw, Shaulanca's Corsairs-related roleplay is all about the Osiris in question - the snubcraft and gunboats can be picked up from various factions and be factionised or civilian technology. Uh, since we have the ID/technology system that allows weird deviations of roleplay to occure, such cases as Shaulanca that contributes enough to server rolepalay to be noticed, should be reviewed separately.
And again, roleplay is more important that limitation of technology chart when it comes to faction that requires a single Osiris that don't leave Omegas. Uh, I suggest Pirate ID, it's fitting the best way.
Zelot, you should actually know that Corsairs are meant to be more than some Corsair ships and Corsair enemies. From this point this black and white appproach tends to be really short-sighted.
' Wrote:The corsair tech is white for pirate IDed players according to the chart.
Doesn't this mean that Shaulanca only need permission from the council of elders to keep their Osiris, instead of making a SRP request?
Pirate ID only allows up to Gunboats, so to use a Battleship they'll still need SRP, even if it's white/green.
' Wrote:You were in Dublin gold fields, shooting miners. You had Corsair IFF and ID. You helped another Corsair ganksquad against Mollys.
That's all Corsair RP in my eyes.
IMHO you are not serious group, just another one that uses different IDs to get advantage in tech.
You wanna do it the right way, pick 1 ID.
You got your ass kicked? Deal with it.
[5:44:26 PM] aerelm: no one likes changes
[5:44:38 PM] aerelm: some people even think like that Snak3 dude
[5:44:50 PM] aerelm: "you've been using corsair IDs so you'll always be corsairs in my book"
[5:45:03 PM] aerelm: Funny thing is...
[5:45:09 PM] aerelm: [RoS] had Outcast IDs when they started
[5:45:13 PM] aerelm: [HF] had Hacker IDs
[5:45:17 PM] aerelm: SCRA| had Xenos IDs
[5:45:28 PM] aerelm: NovaPG| had Dragon IDs
[5:50:12 PM] aerelm: Oh, and let's not forget =CR= using IMG IDs and basing out of IMG Guard sys back in .84
Quote:The corsair tech is white for pirate IDed players according to the chart.
Doesn't this mean that Shaulanca only need permission from the council of elders to keep their Osiris, instead of making a SRP request?
I reqeusted a Black Dragon from the Hogosha, the Hogosha wanted a agreement from Corsair Elder, I was waiting 4 Months for a response, I only get it because I asked Joe for it to ask an elder...
So at all we didnt got many assitance from Elder, or better they dont even care us and I think they wont care us In future...
I would say Shaulanca should wait for Special Operativ ID
How is what you do in game different from what Corsairs do in game?
I know, your religious fanatics, good, what do you religious fanatics do in game that is different than what Corsairs do in game?
''The darkness will go through your body, you do not believe in our faith, you will die, but before this will happen, we will let you suffer. YOU HEARD IT? SUFFER! We could jail you in the Abandoned Hope. It is a flying hell my friend. You can be one of us, or one of them - you can choice between the darkness and the corrupt Bretonians! The suns will be dark, and your power will gone. Now the darkness is here, and our power will come, our power, to let you all suffer. This is the beginning, and the end, your eyes will nothing more see than the pure destruction of Bretonia. Planets which are surrounded by dark clouds, crying peoples who can't her family anymore!''
Sound's this really like a Corsair or like a fanatic freak? And yep, our RP style is like this.
Sorry, I didn't make it clear, I am not talking about your RP in game. I understand that is different from the standard run of the mill Corsairs. But we have other Corsairs that RP differently than your standard Corsairs. We have Montezuma and his Aztec religious RP, and they are represented on the Council of Elders. We have had other religious groups in the past, who don't fit into the standard run of the mill Corsairs. The thing with those groups are that they don't do things in game that Corsairs wouldn't do.
So what I am asking is, outside of how you role play your characters in game, what about your actions in game would not fit in with actions that Corsairs take in game.
I am sorry if I am not explaining myself well, not feeling good, I think the flu might have gotten me.