' Wrote:I have heard rumours of the CBF, can I get more details? What would I need, where do you hang out in game?
Pretend I was a total greenhorn, know nothing. What would I have to prove to you to join?
First of all you will need to prove yourself as a capable agent before you are given access to any ship bigger then heavy fighter, Our actions vary and depends on our main goal during that time right now our goal is to accuire H-Fuel for our ships therefore we fight in sigma-13, we are also operating in other areas its all about the correct need, when there is none specific we simply go each fleet and wing in it to its operation area and accuire power. Now that power comes in many shapes - Fear of the locals, respect from other bigger factions, Fighting off the house navies and sometimes police forces too, all in order to help our idea to catch the houses place.
I think that DRV or Zigeris can explain better then me.
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obligatory shameless ICMG plug (I know you're not interested, but if you are, it's actually quite different from the IMG and other mining groups)
Seriously, though... Consider the EDGE. Probably a long shot here... but, eh, here goes.
We're one of the most laid back groups of people on the server, when we're around each other. We don't do nearly half the bad things people accuse us of, and we generally like to have a good time by just doing what we do best. Making anyone foolish enough to put up a lawful bounty board go broke.:DIf you can have fun while PvPing (something that I only learned how to do in EDGE) then you really genuinely ought to at least consider it. Ask me on skype or check it out here if this holds any interest for you at all. I guarantee you that if any of the above appeals to you, you will have fun.
There is a wide spectrum of RP in OCULUS, the less complicated being our media drones, which simply report the news in sirius. Its good fun, and we have some new tech for it. 99.99% of OCULUS encounters is -currently- done through RP, with the occasional self-defense, so no worries about fighting. Our group is small and picky on having good RP.;)
Libertonian Party for Freedom and Equality. You won't find a less demanding group:PWe aren't even a real faction, a member of the LPFE can be something else at the same time, because we are merely a political party. I would like some more people however so I can get a list of candidates for elections:P
edit: And the most important thing: as long as the tech chart allows it for the ID your char uses, you can get Lugers!
I like the idea of a political party, always have. Also the reporter faction... both of these are pretty unique as groups go. Can I get more information on them?
Since everybody else is doing self promotions, I may as well throw my hat into the ring.
In CBF, you'll end up flying around in a Sabre for awhile (Possibly a week or two) Before you can use the tech we have access to. After that, you'll end up flying around Sigma-13 (Or someplace else if you wanna go against DRV's rage) and join the rest of us as we get killed by a lone GMG bomber
In Planetform, you'll fly around with Gaian Wildlife then point and laugh at the lawfuls as they can't do anything since we can legally transport it. You also get to shoot at pot-smoking hippies in a Paladin then go trade in gas!
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