Quote:Gaians in Bretonia, Farmers in Kusari, and Bundusch in Rheinland. Each of these groups fits the description of that makes Xenos acceptable terrorists: poor, have a restricted ZOI, and are political insurgents
The Golden Chrysanthemums, in all their RP and background, are supposed to be actual terrorists. They are determined to smash everything in Kusari to the ground (especially Samura), until they gain the equality of rights for women. Unfortunately, they have to stop and actually demand credits off all these traders, when all their RP says they want to destroy these Samura installations, random ships etc as much as they can, to pile on the pressure against the Kusari government to grant them their equal rights.
Unfortunately, they're just standard pirates at present, but it would be nice to see them granted the terrorist status that they should technically have :/
It would also be nice to see some other terrorist organisations across other areas of Sirius. The Mollys and Gaians, perhaps. The Bundschuh too.
Right, I'm all for giving every group who should be terrorists a terrorist ID, and then dealing with the fallout. By making them pirate groups because we are worried about PVP abuses, we are accommodating the people who wont follow our rules, by making them easier to follow.
Don't complain too much about the high number of Xenos.
Compare the ones we have now with 6 months ago...lots of progress on this. I haven't seen a Xeno flying a Taiidan bomber or raven talon in quite a while.
And keep in mind that we typically fly fragile ships, which usually means we risk getting popped quickly if we try to system chat/role play very much. For the record, the Sons of Liberty have decided to concentrate more on terrorizing civilians and less on fighting law enforcement or military. We tip our hats to the lawfuls of New York, they've made it a very dangerous place for the Xenos.
I see some of the best role players on Discovery playing as Xenos, and doing it well. At least some of that will rub off on the newer crowd.
Small correction; The GC are described as wanting to institute a matriarchy (a society where women are the rulers and superior to men), not institute equal rights.
' Wrote:Hey, let's give every pirate faction in Sirius a terrorist position... /sarcasm
That was a little undeserving I think... now if someone had suggested we give Liberty Rogues terrorist IDs then I would totally agree.
However, a lot of the 'pirate' factions really should be terrorists. I count:
Bundschuh- obvious, their ID specifically mentions they resort to piracy ONLY when they can't get funds through legit supporters in Rheinland. other than that, they just try to destroy the corporations gnawing at their home (and nab the goods to avoid piracy). Military and police targets should be engaged if around but not hunted, as they aren't the problem, just an obstacle to the solution.
NOTE: While Red Hessians started the same way, their info says that they abandoned ideals in the face of the riches of piracy. Hessians are pirates, Bundschuh are terrorists.
Xenos- also obvious, their idea is that anyone 'guilty' of trading with foreigners should be executed for treason, not that they should be mildly inconvenienced. also they don't care about anything else, any Xeno member attacking someone trading exclusively within Liberty should be shot by their own kind for violating their principles.
Gaians- they should be allowed to freely seek and destroy anything tagged planetform. The entire existence of the company is sacrilege to the Gaians and should be their primary concern. same goes for Orbital Cruise and Spa for egging on planetform, but OCaS shouldn't be hunted so much as shot on sight. everyone else should be left alone except in self defense, really.
Mollys- I don't know so much about their reasons for trying to take over/revolutionize Bretonia, but they should have no reason to not destroy every last Bretonian goverment supportive anything they can. this includes BMM, BAF, and bretonian police. Everyone else they should follow the rules for piracy.
Farmers Alliance/LWB- They want Synth Foods to die a painful death for killing their jobs and rotting their houses. They should show no mercy to Synth Foods employees, but only attack others in self defense (bounty hunters, for example). Although, they should be allowed to pirate friends of Synth Foods following normal piracy rules.
Unioners- they are NOT pirates as some seem to believe, but simply people who (justifiably) REALLY HATE daumann heavy construction and kruger minerals for the way they treat their employees. Go to Dresden and stand in a radioactive mining cloud for a few months and try to not get cancer/die. They should have no mercy for anyone supporting the two industrial-revolution style companies, and this includes the companies themselves, Rheinland military and police (who sanction their 'crimes'). Everyone else they attack should be either self-defense or follow normal piracy rules (they shouldn't have to do that, seeing as they can just grab full loads of diamonds off of kruger).
Golden Chrysanthemums- these women see Kusari as abusive of women and want to fix it in any way possible. they are rather militaristic if you read their backstory, and should have NO MERCY WHATSOEVER for anything arguably chauvanistic. This includes all lawful forces operating in Kusari, as the government shuns women and the companies seem to have no respect for the gender. EDIT: They also want hogosha destroyed because of their connections to Samura, and will freely support the junkers to try and break the stranglehold Samura has on the Kusari Goverment. they shouldn't bother pirating anyone, and should only attack the ageira and DSE operatives in hokkaido to help their friends the blood dragons- probably piracy rules should be used there, as its only the materials that aren't allowed to get to the jumpgate, nothing personal against the workers here.
Blood Dragons- Samura employees are traitors to Kusari and must be executed on sight if at all possible. The Kusari Naval Forces and Police, as well as bounty hunters, are guilty in trying to stop the noble goals of the blood dragons and should be executed on sight as well. NO ONE ELSE should be terror-victims, or even piracy victims- the Blood Dragons need popular support. Hell, the BD might want to HELP anyone else in Kusari to further their cause. (referencing here the info bit about how BD are unhappy to be equated with GC, who terrorize everyone in sight). They should also pirate the ageira and DSE people in hokkaido but leave as many alive as possible- they want to improve their image as merciful while still preventing the chugoku jump gate from being completed.
Outcasts- These guys are a little tricky, as they don't need to pirate, following their absurd wealth, but they do need to keep the smuggling routes open. They shouldn't openly terrorize liberty, as they need to keep the market open, but should have no qualms about executing well planned no-questions-raids on anything that gets too close to a smuggling route. LPI, beware.
EDIT: Nomads want to murder every last man, women, and child, and anyone complaining about getting attacked by Nomads "OORP" should be slapped. There is no such thing as an "OORP" Nomad attack (except on other nomads), only a worse-RP attack and better-RP attack. I have total faith in the Keepers to discriminate properly, and the NPCs seem to have the 'shoot everyone on sight' thing down pretty well too.
Hogosha are quasi-legal and DEFINITELY not terrorists, and the following I consider pirate factions, not terrorists;
Liberty Rogues
Lane Hackers
Red Hessians
I have a feeling I'm leaving out quite a bit here, but this *should* cover who can terrorize what. Please comment.
I'm sorry if you got the impression that I thought the Xenos had bad RP. In fact, I talk to a group of them every night, and consider those people among the best Roleplayers on disco.
I would never suggest more Terrorists if our current ones weren't living up to my expectations.