' Wrote:Praetorian is actually not as agile as the Thor, BHG bomber, Catamaran, or Havoc. Its agility is almost exactly on par with the Challenger, though, which is still quite good for a bomber.
I wrote it's the most agile.. from the bombers with a bigger powerplant and that is true. It's agility is as you say almost exactly on par with Challenger and Taiidan. But out of those three it's best for Phantoms.
Igiss says: Martin, you give them a finger, they bite off your arm.
I think Taiidan is slightly more agile then Praetorian.
And smaller in size. And has same powerplant.
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.
Sorry 'bout that, Mjolnir...I didn't read your post carefully enough.:PYes, of course you're right about that. Except...since Phantoms are kinda Outcast-aligned, maybe a Falcata would be more suitable for their RP? It has the smaller version of the bomber powerplant, but is agile and a good bomber.
EDIT: Sorry again...heh, looks like thread's over.
The Praetorian is only decently maneuverable, but if you wing ram, you can turn a whole lot faster. That trick really isn't available for any of the other bombers.
Quote:[7:42:05 PM][6:51:36 PM] Igor (Smokey): btw terry
[6:51:48 PM] Terrance Cooper: Ye?
[6:52:00 PM] Igor (Smokey): nothin
[6:52:03 PM] Igor (Smokey): just sayin btw
[6:52:05 PM] Terrance Cooper: <_<
Quote:Johnny_Haas: you shot anti criuse speed rockets!!!
Johnny_Haas: but why????
Johnny_Haas: ??
Johnny_Haas: why you shoot criuse speed rockets?
DON'T BUY A HUNTRESS. You'll end up holding a gun to your temple, that thing's so horrid...
Well, as I actually own one, the Dragon Cruiser has plenty of firepower (that main gun really is nasty) and plenty of armor, but she is a total brick and quote a target. I'd probably opt out for my good old Kusari Destroyer (that thing's so tiny and maneuverable, with a Light Mortar and two Infernos you can just dodge like hell and they die very fast)
The good old Outcast Destroyer is still one of the best, even after it got its Hardpoints moved and they took our armor...again...:dry:
The Corsair cruiser is just a big target, I've dropped two of these in rapid succession in said Kusari Destroyer, the first without using any batts or botts. The
Hessian Cruiser is supposed to be decent, but nothing special; fairly heavy firepower and armor, but quite large.
As the Pirate Cruiser is literally just a crappier version of the Hessian Cruiser, avoid it like the plague.
If you can get a Nomad Cruiser, good for you, that thing has a broken hitbox and half of its shots go right through it...
the Rheinland Cruiser, if you should feel so inclined, is a cinderblock. Don't touch it, unless you're some kind of ace (their are worse ships, though...).
The Bretonian Destroyer, if you should somehow get one of those, is worthless. NOTHING but an underarmed big target, so big and slow, in fact, that we had a proposal a while back wherein it got upgraded to a Battlecruiser. The
Talarca is an oversized, underarmed-and-armored piece of crap.
The Zoner Destroyer I haven't flown, since it's new, so I can't tell you there.
The Liberty Cruiser I have seen do some very nasty things, but it takes a very good pilot who really specializes in Forward Gun tactics (since that thing is completely non-revolute, unlike the Dragon Cruiser or a Gunboat gun).
The BHG Destroyer is very small and nimble, but it lacks sufficient armor and guns to do much of anything. Still gets maimed by multiple smaller craft.
The BHG Battlecruiser: I haven't flown this one. It's supposed to be okay (especially considering its popularity), I could do with one of them.
The Albatross: Is a horrid piece of junk. I used to own one in Shagohad's little Omega faction, it's difficult to fly, and handles like nothing you've ever seen. It is actually a little bit longer and MUCH wider than the Bretonian Battleship. No need to go there.
The Liberty Battlecruiser: A very good ship. Quite nimble, and the hitbox is quite difficult to hit...it can also mount and fire four Light Mortars or a Mortar and a Heavy Mortar at once...VERY nasty, I've seen it do quite a lot of damage to smaller cruisers with that setup when there's one on the field. Might not be a bad option.
I think that's all of them, and even so that was a bit of a gravedig...whew.
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen
Thanks epyon, unfortunately lawful ships are outta the question (pity since an RP story about 60 phantoms marines butchering the crew would be fun to do:crazy:)
I use to have a liberty cruiser, hehehehehe that thing only needed 1 inferno cos the forward gun use to (haven't looked in this version) do about the same shield damage.
A tactic that worked well against fairly big targets was thrusting away, engine-kill, spin and shoot em as they thrusted after me.
Mainly it worked cos the liberty cruiser is so damn small head on most shots go past you once the shield was down.