' Wrote:...wow... I feel special now. Thanks.
Word of advice so post is not complete waste: don't do niobium/diamonds if there are any phantoms on the server. It will get you killed.
Point to add to that, unless you roleplay with them. You can spot a phantom from 14k away gives you plenty of time to RP crapping yourself and trying to run like all the hounds of hell are after you. Because they are. That might save your backside, I make no gaurantees to that fact.
Saint Del is considered a holy healer of diseases of children, but also as a protector of cattle.
True. Although realistically you shouldn't be using the jump hole they camp anyway, because it leads from terrorist piece of New Berlin to Wild-infested piece of Sigma-13 to terrorist home-base to terrorist piece on New Tokyo. Nope, not seeing too much that's trader-friendly... sticking to trade lanes is the best idea for traders (smugglers are pretty much the opposite), both for RP and OORP reasons. After all, terrorists and pirates camp the jump holes and as a trader you should be avoiding them at all costs...
was it mentionned?
Download FL stats.
A fun way of trading - but I wouldnt recomend this if you look for serious trading! Is to hop at random destinations using FL stats. You land at a base, pick up a commodity, check where its sold best and go there. Do that same over your next base, and next base.
Profit might be not really good, but hey, you explore, you see new systems, your trade route isnt dull, you get less pirated because you dont use the cramped out usual trade routes, I personally like it.
That is, until you fall on a station that sells nothing valuable...
' Wrote:was it mentionned?
Download FL stats.
A fun way of trading - but I wouldnt recomend this if you look for serious trading! Is to hop at random destinations using FL stats. You land at a base, pick up a commodity, check where its sold best and go there. Do that same over your next base, and next base.
Profit might be not really good, but hey, you explore, you see new systems, your trade route isnt dull, you get less pirated because you dont use the cramped out usual trade routes, I personally like it.
That is, until you fall on a station that sells nothing valuable...
That (except the flstat bit) is exactly how I came up with my routes for my smuggler (well I actually just flew around Sirius in a x-shuttle finding stuff) and now I have really good map data.
Xing and JihadJoe are geniuses... I usually stopped as little as possible between my supplier and Client, tday I stopped at every station I could on route and picked up some awesome new Clientele and suppliers.. yeah baby!
6. Piracy is the least profitable way to make a living in Disco, so pirates aren't doing it from greed. They are doing it because it's fun. So help make it fun. A good pirate loves a good chase, and doesn't mind losing a catch every so often. Without risk, there is no real reward after all. So do your best to put up a good fight to save your cargo and treasury, but if the pirate wins, don't cheat him out of the reward for his hard work.
That works great provided said pirates aren't the type to get trigger happy and go for the 5 second-your-dead kill.
On the flip, the traders that don't stop...and go 'MAKE ME" are just making the pirates madder and madder....thus, the next poor trader that comes along doesn't even get the chance to sh*t himself before being blasted.
I posted and replied many times to this type of subject:
Shoot...shoot...and shoot some more,etc,etc.....are just a few of my 'rants'.
Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah. Ect,ect,ect.
It doesn't take much for someone to head down to the Employment Office and put out a contact on a 'bad pirate'.
And if the 'bad pirate' is too bad, the contract can soon turn into a 'Pot Luck' , with other traders and victuims, all pitching in on the bounty.
Nothing like an ad saying:
----------------------------------------- Wanted : Player X killed everytime he/she fly's thier ship.
Details: We are a group of X number of traders and victuims, that will work for an entire week, making funds and money, that will be placed in a Trust Fund.
Trust Fund is will be used for everyone that help keep this guy/gal off the air.
As many times as needed.
That one he** of an ad, and trust us....it almost got posted a few times.
' Wrote:6. Piracy is the least profitable way to make a living in Disco, so pirates aren't doing it from greed. They are doing it because it's fun. So help make it fun. A good pirate loves a good chase, and doesn't mind losing a catch every so often. Without risk, there is no real reward after all. So do your best to put up a good fight to save your cargo and treasury, but if the pirate wins, don't cheat him out of the reward for his hard work.
That works great provided said pirates aren't the type to get trigger happy and go for the 5 second-your-dead kill.
On the flip, the traders that don't stop...and go 'MAKE ME" are just making the pirates madder and madder....thus, the next poor trader that comes along doesn't even get the chance to sh*t himself before being blasted.
When I pirate, I am pretty level headed about it. I am also massively unsuccessful, largely cos I am too soft on them. I have only once killed a trader and I didn't mean to, I felt a bit bad about it afterwards.
Pirates should be tough people, and ruthless. If someone isn't gunna pay up, or give them their cargo (if you pirate in a gunboat, people really should ask for cargo more often) then whats to stop the pirate blowing them up.
Admittedly there should be a certain amount of chatter before hand,
*pirate fires cruise disruptor at passing trader*
pirate: Gimme your damn money you scum sucker.
trader: OHhhhh geeezzzzzzz, I'm screwed. The insurers are never gunna believe this.
Pirate: No skin off my nose, Quicker you loser, I don't want to hang around.
*pirate takes down shield*
Trader: Ok, Ok, enough, I'll pay already.
Pirate: 2 million Sirius credits should placate me, no guarantees though.
You get the picture, it's a lot better than, "2 milz or die" "fine then i die" "trader was killed by pirate (gun)"
' Wrote:This advice is really gonna come in handy!!
thanks to all those that have posted!!
Glad we could help.
PSST: random chit-chat in RP while on auto-pilot makes you well-loved. Especially in larger, n00b-filled systems. (NY, I'm looking at you....) Seriously, without interaction you might as well just use open-Singleplayer. Talk... some of us die a little every time a minute passes in NY with no RP conversation despite 20 odd people being there. It just feels so wrong...